SEEP Kick-Off Event 2016

Location: Starting on 17 October 2016 at 10:28

On September 27th, the annual SEEP kick-off event for the new cohort of students took place. 56 new students were welcomed to the premises of the WU campus.

After a short welcome address by program director Sigrid Stagl and program coordinator Judith Kohlenberger, SEEP mentor Richard Sentinella and student representatives Alisa Eresina and Michael Reiss introduced the new students to the program and its aims. The event was rounded off by a presentation of HeForShe Vienna by representatives Lisa Deutsch and Gerhard Wagner. Students and faculty members were then treated to a buffet with organic finger food and local wines. The evening was rounded off by a students' party at a local bar.

We welcome all new students to SEEP and wish them a good start into the new semester at WU!

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