Quick and easy: The improved E&I application process

Location: Starting on 29 June 2020 at 11:54

Learn more about the new process for applying to Entrepreneurship & Innovation, one of WU’s most favorite specializations

Every semester we are asking our students and ourselves how we can improve our specialization. This summer term, one of our improvements is a simpler and quicker application process.

In cooperation with more than 20 students, we have redesigned the admission process for our E&I specialization.

Key changes

  • The criteria for admission have been made clearer. You apply based on your (1) student ranking (for top 5% students) or (2) by highlighting why your diverse skillset makes you the perfect candidate for our specialization

  • The process has been simplified as we no longer require students to write an essay during the application process.

  • Our traditional „Welcome Day“ in September from now on will take place online, which means you are no longer required to be present in Vienna before the semester starts and can participate from anywhere in the world.

For more information on our new admission process and examples of skills that are a good fit for our specialization, please visit our application website
https://www.wu.ac.at/entrep/apply and read our application guide.

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