MSc Marketing graduate wins thesis award

Location: Starting on 17 December 2022 at 15:51

With her master's thesis "Trendy Dairy - Investigating the Potential of Innovative Products in the Dairy Category based on Food Trends", MSc Marketing graduate Verena Führer won the Erwin Wenzl Prize 2022.

The annual award rewards extraordinary achievements of young talents of the federal state of Upper Austria. With her thesis focusing on the highly competitive retail environment, Verena Führer won this year's main prize in the category of academic awards. Her thesis was supervised by Dr. Christina Holweg at the Institute for Retailing & Data Science.

Congratulations to Verena Führer on her remarkable achievement!

Assoc. Prof. Katharina Hofer (JKU Linz), Mag. Thomas Stelzer (Governor of Upper Austria), Verena Führer (MSc Marketing graduate), DDr. Werner Steinecker (Chairman Erwin Wenzl Preis)

Assoc. Prof. Katharina Hofer (JKU Linz), Mag. Thomas Stelzer (Governor of Upper Austria), Verena Führer (MSc Marketing graduate), DDr. Werner Steinecker (Chairman Erwin Wenzl Preis)

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