
Location: Starting on 29 June 2016 at 15:57

Studentisches Start-Up Projekt - Sommersemester 2016


In the recent years we are experiencing a great turn in our lifestyle, people are getting more aware of their mental state and happiness. This means that we are trying to reduce our stress, to get over the situations that make us panic, to improve our performance in our working position by avoiding distractions or mistakes. We are searching for new possibilities to improve our performance.

The objective of inScentive is to solve this problem with essential oils spread through special scent columns. These scents can stimulate human’s brain in many positive ways. The use of scents can reduce panic while visiting a medical center, reduce anxiety in closed rooms, make customers remember your business in a good way and improve your employer’s performance.

There are already competitors in this industry but what makes inScentive unique is that we combine the power of scents with ionization, in order to clean the air getting rid of bacterias, microorganisms and virus. This is why our main customer will be hospitals as both of our services are highly useful in the medical sector.

We will not produce the columns and the essential oils. We will be the intermediary between the suppliers of columns and oils and the businesses. Our customers will have two options. The first one is to buy a box with some selected basic fragrances. The other option is to design their own desired fragrances using our online toolkit with our advice as colours, light and architecture have to be considered to maximize the effect of the scents. In both options ionization and user instructions will be included. We also ensure high quality as we will use only natural oils produced in northern Italy.

Our main channels are internet as websites and social networks is the channel through which most of the B2B relationships are established, special journals to help to get references, B2B marketplaces to get new customers and mouth-to-word, and direct customer contact in trade fairs.

One of our goals is to build a strong relationship with our customers by working in collaboration with them and consulting them to see which is the most suitable product for their needs. In addition, marketing is also a key activity in order to emphasize the advantages of scents in the day-to-day life. Finally, as we are distributors, logistics will also play an important role to provide a great service and to be successful.

Our team is formed by 5 motivated students willing to change the current lifestyle to a better one. As we have two BOKU students, two WU and one TU our team is interdisciplinary which means that we have knowledge in ionization, the effect of the scents, business, economics, technology and logistics.

InScentive is the key to innovation.

Contact Person

  • Anna Paulina Went

Student team

  • Paul Gailit

  • Claudia Kofler

  • Christoph Tuttner

  • Jose Vidal

  • Anna Went


  • Martin Finkenzeller

  • Albrecht Karlusch


In the recent years we are experiencing a great turn in our lifestyle, people are getting more aware of their mental state and happiness. This means that we are trying to reduce our stress, to get over the situations that make us panic, to improve our performance in our working position by avoiding distractions or mistakes. We are searching for new possibilities to improve our performance.

The objective of inScentive is to solve this problem with essential oils spread through special scent columns. These scents can stimulate human’s brain in many positive ways. The use of scents can reduce panic while visiting a medical center, reduce anxiety in closed rooms, make customers remember your business in a good way and improve your employer’s performance.

There are already competitors in this industry but what makes inScentive unique is that we combine the power of scents with ionization, in order to clean the air getting rid of bacterias, microorganisms and virus. This is why our main customer will be hospitals as both of our services are highly useful in the medical sector.

We will not produce the columns and the essential oils. We will be the intermediary between the suppliers of columns and oils and the businesses. Our customers will have two options. The first one is to buy a box with some selected basic fragrances. The other option is to design their own desired fragrances using our online toolkit with our advice as colours, light and architecture have to be considered to maximize the effect of the scents. In both options ionization and user instructions will be included. We also ensure high quality as we will use only natural oils produced in northern Italy.

Our main channels are internet as websites and social networks is the channel through which most of the B2B relationships are established, special journals to help to get references, B2B marketplaces to get new customers and mouth-to-word, and direct customer contact in trade fairs.

One of our goals is to build a strong relationship with our customers by working in collaboration with them and consulting them to see which is the most suitable product for their needs. In addition, marketing is also a key activity in order to emphasize the advantages of scents in the day-to-day life. Finally, as we are distributors, logistics will also play an important role to provide a great service and to be successful.

Our team is formed by 5 motivated students willing to change the current lifestyle to a better one. As we have two BOKU students, two WU and one TU our team is interdisciplinary which means that we have knowledge in ionization, the effect of the scents, business, economics, technology and logistics.

InScentive is the key to innovation.

Cooperation Partner

Musterman AG
Am Musterplatz 2
1000 Musterstadt

Contact Person

Anna Paulina Went

Student team

  • Paul Gailit

  • Claudia Kofler

  • Christoph Tuttner

  • Jose Vidal

  • Anna Went


·         Martin Finkenzeller

·         Albrecht Karlusch

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