Guest Talk by Guido Governatori from CSIRO Brisbane

Location: Starting on 19 December 2019 at 09:31

Guido Governatori 

Date/Time: 19.12.2019, 12:15 

Location: D2.2.094


A fundamental tenet of conceptual modelling is to provide languages and models that are conceptually sound in the sense that the features they offer correspond to the notions and concepts of the underlying domain. Recently, regulatory compliance has received attention in ITC for creating IT-based tools to support compliance activities. Several tools based on temporal logic have been proposed following a surface similarity between temporal logic operators and deontic (normative) concepts and the mature development of industry scale verification tools. However, such works do not investigate whether the approaches are conceptually sounds. We argue that temporal logic is not suitable for the modelling of (real) norms. Specifically, we argue that either. temporal logic does not capture some aspects of normative reasoning or if it does it produces outcomes conflicting with the expected legal outcomes. 


Guido Governatori the Software Systems research group at Data 61 CSIRO. His research interests cover logic and formal methods and their applications to legal reasoning, agent and multi-agent systems and business processes. His work on business process compliance received the BPM 2017 Test of Time Award, and in 2015 he won the Gold award for the Australian Computer Society ICT Researcher of the year.

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