Example of a sucessful SL project by SEEP students: "Service Learning - System Change: Compilation of pupil's projects"

Location: Starting on 21 June 2017 at 09:45

This spring pupils of Bundesrealgymnasiums Gröhrmühlgasse in Wiener Neustadt developed their own ideas concerning climate change and climate justice. With the support of students of the master program "Socio- Ecological Economics and Policy" and activists of the climate movement "System Change, not Climate Change!", they created eight diverse projects that ranged from creative approaches like music videos and a cooking show to a scientific poster.

For more information on the Service Learning project and to see the video follow this link: <link studium master socio-ecological-economics-and-policy studienaufbau-inhalte service-learning-2>www.wu.ac.at/studium/master/socio-ecological-economics-and-policy/studienaufbau-inhalte/service-learning-2/

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