everyone codes joins the Interreg-SIV project

Location: Starting on 07 July 2020 at 11:02

With the official kick-off meeting on June 10th, 2020, we introduced our newest addition to the Interreg-SIV project: everyone codes.

What kind of organisation is everyone codes? Based in Vienna, they offer a program for unemployed people to learn programming (or coding, hence the name) and start a new life as software developers and will partner up with Caritas to implement the social impact voucher program in Austria. The first wave of voucher-based trainings are due to start in fall 2020. We are looking forward to a fruitful collaboration.

At the NPO Competence Center, we got to know everyone codes as the winner of the Get Active Social Business Award 2019 and therefore it is great, to continue working with them.

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