14th FIW-Research Conference International Economics 24-25.2.2022

Location: Starting on 22 February 2022 at 16:20

The 14th FIW Research Conference will be held as an online event from 24-25 Feb 2022. The highlight of the program will be the keynote speech by Natalie Chen (University of Warwick) and the subsequent panel discussion "Implications of Global Value Chain Disruptions for European Import- and Consumer-Prices" with representatives of Austrian companies and responsible persons of the Austrian economic policy.

The main objective of this conference is to provide a platform for economists to present recent research results in the field of "International Economics" and to discuss them with both young researchers and experienced senior researchers. Papers from PhD students, young faculty members, and young researchers in similar positions are especially welcome, as FIW aims to support and encourage young economists. This year, a total of 54 recent research papers from the International Economics research area will be presented. 

Please do not forget: online registration is absolutely necessary!

Program Outline:

24 February 2022, 09:45: Opening Remarks

Harald Badinger (Vice-Rector and Head of the Institute of International Econoimcs, WU Vienna)

24 February 2022, 17:00 – 18:45

17:00     Keynote Lecture: ‘Quality and Prices’

Natalie Chen (University of Warwick)

17:45     Policy Panel: ‘Implications of Global Value Chain Disruptions for European Import- and Consumer-Prices’

Natalie Chen (Professor of Econmics, University of Warwick)

Gabriel Felbermayr (President, WIFO; Professor of Econmics, WU Vienna)

Wolfram Senger-Weiss (CEO, Gebrüder Weiss GmbH)

Cynthia Zimmermann (Director General, Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs)

Moderation: Harald Oberhofer (FIW-Project Lead; Professor of Economics, WU Vienna; Senior Economist, WIFO)

25 February 2022, 15:00: Award Ceremony

Announcement of the winners of the FIW Best Paper Award 22 and the  FIW Young Economist Award 22.

The preliminary program is available at our website

We kindly ask for registration at  https://fiw.ac.at/en/veranstaltungen/anmeldung-zur-14-fiw-forschungskonferenz-en

After the registration we will send you the final conference program with all zoom links by mail.

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