Studierende sitzen auf den Holzinseln vor dem D2

Courses with continuous Assessment (PI)

Courses with continuous assessment of student performance (PI) are courses in which student performance is not or not exclusively assessed in a single final examination at the end of the course but based on a set of at least three performance components which the students have to complete for the course.

PI Sign-Up / Attendance and Absences

To attend a PI, students have to sign up for the course via LPIS during the registration period. It is also possible to drop PIs during this period. Please see the course catalog for information on the registration periods for each course.


The overall assessment of student performance in a PI is based on the sum of the weighted assessments of the performance components. The evaluation criteria are specified in the syllabus of each PI (available in the course catalog).

Here you will find all information on Examination Attempts, Repeat Examinations, Examinations by a Panel, Grading Periods and much more.

Learn more!

Lecture with interactive elements (VUE)