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Lecture Recording

The tools MS Teams or Zoom, which are installed on the lecturer's PC in all classrooms, can be used to record course units. The recording option for meetings is used for this purpose.

Teaching rooms equipped with a permanently installed camera are particularly suitable for recording course units. These cameras are linked to MS Teams and Zoom and preselected in the tools. You can choose between three different camera presets and switch between them at any time, even during a recording.


In all classrooms that do not have a camera, a webcam must be used if a camera image is to be recorded via MS Teams/Zoom.

FAQs Lecture recording

What do I need to ensure in advance for a planned LV recording?

What is recorded?

What do I need to bring to the classroom?

How do I start and end a lecture recording?

Where do I find the recording?

How do I prevent students from seeing the recording before I have edited it?

How can I edit a lecture recording afterwards?

How can I share lecture recordings with others (e.g. to edit the video)?

How do I provide a lecture recording for students?

Troubleshooting lecture recording

I don`t get an audio signal.

Troubleshooting in the room

I have questions about (re-)editing a lecture recording in Planet eStream