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New publication in Longe Range Planning


Dr. Christian Garaus has published a new paper together with Dr. Arthur Posch (University of Bern) with the title "Boon or curse? A contingent view on the relationship between strategic planning and organizational ambidexterity" in Longe Range Planning.

The journal Long Range Planning is one of the leading academic journals in the area of strategic management (Impact factor: 3.22). The article "Boon or curse? A contingent view on the relationship between strategic planning and organizational ambidexterity" deals with the question, what role strategic planning plays for the ability of organizations to balance exploration and exploitation.


Numerous scholars have attempted to explain which factors allow for organizational ambidexterity. Strategic planning, as a possible antecedent, has not been considered so far. This is surprising because strategic planning is among the most widely used strategic decision-making tools in management practice and one of the most extensively studied concepts in management research. In addition, prior research has demonstrated the potential of strategic planning to impact innovation-related outcomes—both positively and negatively. Here, we investigate the association between strategic planning and organizational ambidexterity using a survey of 217 senior executives. We highlight the importance of considering how executives use strategic planning. Our results support the hypothesis that strategic planning's positive or negative association with organizational ambidexterity is contingent on other organizational factors. Our findings reveal that strategic planning is only positively associated with organizational ambidexterity when leaders' innovation orientation is extraordinarily high. We further contextualize this interaction effect by considering the environmental uncertainty perceived by the top management. This work contributes to the literature by examining the antecedents of organizational ambidexterity.

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