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Fernando Siahaan M.Sc.

Photo: Fernando Siaahan

Fernando Siahaan comes from Indonesia. He obtained Bachelor of Economics degree from University of Indonesia in 2007. He started his career as Junior Tax Consultant and joined the Directorate General of Taxes Republic of Indonesia by 2009. In 2013-2014 he continued his study with Master of Science in Accountancy and Control at Faculty of Economics and Business University of Amsterdam, sponsored by the World Bank Spirit Scholarship. Since 2018, his job position is The Head of Taxpayers Supervision and Consultation Section, and as of 2020 he is also The Acting Head of Tax Collection Section in one of Tax Office in Indonesia. He teaches tax lectures in several universities and institution in Jakarta. He is interested in studying the integration of accounting principle with tax regulation.

Core discipline: Accounting, Corporate Income Tax

Core discipline: Business

Curriculum vitae