Entry and Residence

  • Citizens of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland are free to enter and settle in Austria without requiring a permit. They, however, require a confirmation of registration (Anmeldebescheinigung) if they reside in Austria for more than 3 months.

  • Citizens from Third countries (all countries except for Switzerland and member states of EU/EEA) usually need a visa for entry and residence in Austria. In case of a planned taking up of employment a visa for gainful employment is required even in the case of a general right to enter without a visa.


Stays of up to 90 daysC Visa - Gainful Employment (Visum C-Erwerb)
Stays from 90 up to
180 days 
D Visa - Gainful Employment (Visum D-Erwerb)
Non-permanent residence for scholarly acitivities for more than 180 days
D Visa - Gainful Employment (Visum D-Erwerb)
Residence Permit - Researcher (Aufenthaltsbewilligung Forscher) or
Residence Permit - Special Cases of Gainful Employment (Niederlassungsbewilligung Sonderfälle unselbständiger Erwerbstätigkeit)

Applications for a visa (C or D) must be made in person at the appropriate Austrian representation authority (Austrian embassy or consulate general) in your home country.

Applications for Residence Permit - Researcher (Aufenthaltsbewilligung Forscher) or Residence Permit - Special Cases of Gainful Employment (Niederlassungsbewilligung Sonderfälle unselbständiger Erwerbstätigkeit) can be submitted at the appropriate residence authority in Austria or at the appropriate Austrian representation authority in the home country. The appropriate local residence authority in Vienna is MA 35 (Magistratsabteilung 35).

Information and forms:



Lead times and deadlines

Usually foreign documents need to be legalized and include a certified translation. The processing time can be up to several months. We recommend preparing all documents early enough before applying for visa or residence permit.

All the information presented on these pages has been carefully reviewed and is updated on a regular basis. Please note, however, that WU cannot guarantee the accuracy and validity of the information. All information is provided without liability.