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News Archive MMRSS

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Volles Supermarktsortiment. In 60 Minuten bei Dir.

Beim abschließenden Projektkurs „Marketing Consulting Project“ tauchen unsere Bachelor Studierenden der Speziellen Marketing in die Welt der Beratung ein. 17 Studierende übernahmen im Sommersemester…

Keith Wilcox

Research Talk by Keith Wilcox, Texas A&M University (US)

At the end of June, we had the pleasure of welcoming Keith Wilcox from Texas A&M University, which provided a fitting conclusion to a semester filled with insightful research talks. Keith presented…

Slide Drei

DREI macht‘s einfach – Marketing in der Zielgruppe U27

Als führender Telekommunikations-Anbieter in Österreich bietet die Hutchison Drei Austria GmbH Mobiltelefonie, Internet, Festnetz, Fernsehen und Business-Lösungen aus einer Hand an. Neben dem größten…

Nicole Mead

Research Talk by Nicole Mead, York University (CA)

As our latest guest in the Research Seminar series, we were delighted to welcome Nicole Mead from the Schulich School of Business. She presented her most recent work on the links between lay beliefs…

Slide SBWL

Are you interested in our marketing specialization? (SBWL)

Here you can find the SBWL Marketing presentation slides with all the relevant information to help get you started on your path (including information on registration, entry requirements, and exam…

Markus Plankensteiner

Dr. Markus Plankensteiner, TT Control on Complex B2B Selling in an International High-Tech Environment

On May 14, 2024, we hosted on WU campus, Dr. Markus Plankensteiner, VP Sales and Marketing at TT Control, who shared valuable insights on complex and high-tech-driven B2B selling within the course…

Dieter Scharitzer

„What is in for me? - Loyalität muss dem Kunden etwas bringen

"Alles fließt“, sagte bereits Heraklit rund 500 vor Christus und begründete damit eine eigene philosophische Lehre. Knapp 3.000 Jahre später hat der Satz nichts an Bedeutung eingebüßt und umschreibt…

Creative Thinking

Creative Thinking – Insightful Guest Talks from Marcello Demner (DMB) and Dr. Tobias Eismann (Siemens AG)

As part of Master of Science in Marketing course “Creative Thinking,” we had the honor of welcoming two excellent guest speakers and experts in the field of creativity: Marcello Demner (Managing…

Anne-Laure Sellier

Research Talk by Anne-Laure Sellier, HEC Paris (FR)

We had the pleasure of hosting Anne-Laure Sellier from HEC Paris as the most recent guest in our Research Seminar Series. She presented her lastest work on how slow and fast motion videography…

Logo Green Challenge

Green Challenge Weeks at WU - Who is more sustainable: Students or WU staff?

During the next two weeks, the "Green Challenge Weeks" take place at WU (May 06 - 17). The main question is: Who is more sustainable? Students or Profs?* Here's how you can participate: Get a…

Sarah Gelper

Research Talk by Sarah Gelper, University of Luxemburg (LU)

As our latest guest for our Research Seminar Series we welcomed Sarah Gelper from the University of Luxemburg. She shared her recent work on temporary loyalty programs in retail. Many supermarket…

L. J. Shrum

Research Talk by L. J. Shrum, HEC Paris (FR)

Keeping Up with the Joneses? Not So Much for Consumers Who Move Around a Lot Our most recent guest, Professor L. J. Shrum started off this semester’s research seminar series. Known for his research…

Slide DREI

Kick-Off im Projektseminar mit Hutchison DREI Österreich

Erfolgreicher Kick-Off des Projektseminars mit einem der drei großen Mobilfunkanbieter: Hutchison Drei Österreich. Am Montag gab es ein persönliches Briefing mit dem Marketingteam für den Bereich…

SBWL Class SS2024

Welcome to our marketing specialization! (SBWL)

We warmly welcome the class of SS 2024 and look forward to spending the next two exciting semesters together!

Comic Paper

University Knowledge Inside! New Top-Publication in the Journal of Marketing

Firms frequently collaborate with universities to access novel scientific knowledge and technological expertise with an aim to develop superior new products. While previous research has highlighted…

Logo RedBull Mobile

Marketing für ein Roamingprodukt von A1/RedBull Mobile

Wem ist es noch nicht passiert, dass man bei einer Reise außerhalb der EU oder sogar nach England oder in die Schweiz in die Roaming-Fall tappt und vor allem für die Datennutzung am Handy ordentliche…

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Abschlusspräsentation des Kurses Marketing Consulting Projekt – „Leading with Passion“ mit Mastercard

Am 29.01.2024 fand die Lehrveranstaltung „Marketing Consulting Project“ im Wintersemester 2023/2024 erfolgreich ihren Abschluss. Die Studierenden der SBWL Marketing hatten die Möglichkeit, ihr in…

Anatoli Colicev

Research Talk by Anatoli Colicev, University of Liverpool (UK)

In our last Marketing Research Seminar of the winter semester 2023/24, Professor Anatoli Colicev from the University of Liverpool illuminated a compelling avenue in corporate strategy – how businesses…

Alina Sorescu

Research Talk by Alina Sorescu, Texas A&M University (US)

Alina Sorescu from Texas A&M University was the latest guest in our Research Seminar Series, presenting her research on business model innovation. This area is often less explored compared to product…


Marketing and the Creator Economy Conference at Columbia Business School

At the start of December, the Marketing and the Creator Economy Conference was held at Columbia Business School in New York. The conference started off on a crisp New York morning and what followed…

[Translate to English:] Folie

Are you interested in our marketing specialization? (SBWL)

Here you can find the SBWL Marketing presentation slides with all the relevant information to help get you started on your path (including information on registration, entry requirements, and exam…

Florian Krb

Charity Marketing – Guest Talk: Florian Krb shares interesting insights from WWF Austria

Florian Krb, WU graduate and now the Head of Marketing at WWF Austria, recently returned to his alma mater to share fascinating insights into charity marketing. WWF is an independent conservation…

Arnaud De Bruyn

Research Talk by Arnaud De Bruyn, ESSEC Business School (FR)

In our recent Research Seminar Series, we had the privilege of hosting Arnaud De Bruyn from ESSEC Business School, who presented his latest research focusing on the rare domain of algorithmic…

Fleura Bardhi

Research Talk by Fleura Bardhi, Bayes Business School (UK)

Recently, we had the pleasure of hosting Fleura Bardhi, Professor of Marketing at Bayes Business School, as part of our Research Seminar Series. During the session, Fleura presented her work on…

Gui Liberali

Research Talk by Gui Liberali, Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL)

As our latest guest for our Research Seminar Series, we welcomed Gui Liberali from the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He shared his recent work on improving Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs). RCTs…


HENKEL zu Gast in Kurs I - “Do you dare to make an impact?”

Am 6. November 2023 durften wir unseren langjährigen Kooperationspartner HENKEL Österreich im BA-Kurs „Product-Management I“ begrüßen. Im ersten Teil des Vormittags präsentierten 9 studentische…

Jonathan Hörnig

Guestspeaker Jonathan Hörnig (TQW): “Role for Marketing in the Arts”

Am 31. Oktober 2023 durften wir Jonathan Hörnig, Verantwortlicher für Marketing & Mediathek im Tanzquartier Wien (TQW), als Gast in unserem Vertiefungskurs „Marketing Across Industries“ zum Thema…

Patricia Neumann

Siemens Austria CEO on Technology-Driven Sales Leadership

After exactly two years, Patricia Neumann returned on October 25 to WU as a guest speaker, now serving as the CEO of Siemens Austria since May 2023, where Siemens Austria covers 25 countries of CEE…

SBWL Kick-Off

Welcome to our marketing specialization! (SBWL)

We warmly welcome the class of WS 2023/24 and look forward to spending the next two exciting semesters together!

Mario Rauch

Guest Speaker: Mario Rauch shares interesting insights from jö Bonus Club

Mario Rauch, WU graduate and now the CEO of jö Bonus Club, recently returned to his alma mater to share fascinating insights regarding customer preferences, data protection and current shopping…

paper: I didnt win

New WU Marketing Research Reveals the Hidden Pitfalls of Crowdsourcing Competitions

Competitive crowdsourcing contests, where customers can submit new product ideas and win prizes if their idea is chosen as the winner, have been gaining popularity among consumer goods firms. Through…

[Translate to English:] Folie SBWL

Are you interested in our marketing specialization? (SBWL)

Here you can find the SBWL Marketing presentation slides with all the relevant information to help get you started on your path (including information on registration, entry requirements, and exam…

Group Picture

Bringing tech2people – Abschluss des Projektkurses unserer Speziellen im Marketing

Im Rahmen der aktuellen Lehrveranstaltung "Learning by Consulting" im Sommersemester haben sich 15 Studierende des Speziellen Marketings intensiv mit dem Thema robotische Therapie beschäftigt. Das…

group picture Denzel

„Wenn Mobilität – dann DENZEL“

15 Studierende unserer SBWL Marketing haben für Österreichs führenden Autohändler DENZEL drei spannende Themen ein Semester lang bearbeitet und waren schon gespannt auf das Feedback zu Ihren Ideen und…

Lukas Maier

Lukas Maier als Schöller Fellow ausgezeichnet!

Jedes Jahr werden am Schöller Forschungszentrum der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) herausragende WissenschaftlerInnen als Schöller Fellows ausgezeichnet. Lukas Maier wurde…

Scharitzer Dieter

Employer Branding – Ein Obstkorb ist nicht genug!

In Zeiten eines umfassenden Fachkräfte- und Mitarbeiter*innenmangels ist erfolgreiches Employer Branding wichtiger denn je. Benefits alleine reichen nicht aus, viel wichtiger ist die…


Paying twice for aesthetic customization? New Top-Publication in the Journal of Marketing Research

Customers frequently gravitate toward unique products, and firms increasingly utilize mass customization strategies allowing customers to self-customize products according to their unique preferences.…

Photo credits: Dani Haupt

InnoDays Spring 2023: Shaping Innovation in an Open Process

‘From idea to prototype - in 48 hours’ - was the motto of the InnoDays Spring 2023 hackathon, which took place from May 31st until June 2nd, 2023. 140 students from the Marketing Master WU Vienna, TU…


Kundenbindung: Stationär, digital, loyal

Die Kosten steigen und die Menschen werden preissensibler. Für die Händler ist es nicht zuletzt deshalb wichtig, eine funktionierende Beziehung mit den Kunden aufrechtzuerhalten oder diese…

Co-Founder and Head of Growth at XUND

XUND=Gesund: XUND’s Co-Founder on Challenges of Viennese Healthcare Scale-up

On May 19, 2023, the 5662 Personal Selling and Sales Management in the Global Context class, led by Dr. Zoran Latinovic, had the pleasure of having on-campus Mr. Lukas Seper, Co-Founder and Head of…

Eva Ascarza

Research Talk by Eva Ascarza, Harvard Business School (US)

For some time now, we had been eagerly awaiting a research talk from Eva Ascarza, the Jakurski Family Associate Professor of Business Administration from the Harvard Business School, who finally…


Praxisfall B2B-Marketing – die Fallstudie „Wienerberger“ mit Mag. Barbara Enzinger

Schon in bewährter Weise konnten wir als Praxisreferentin in der LV Kurs 4 „Marketing Across Industries“ Frau Mag. Barbara Enzinger begrüßen, die uns spannende Einblicke in Herausforderungen im…

Picture of the course

Henkel · Excellence is our Passion

Am Montag, 24. April 2023 fanden die Abschlusspräsentationen des BA-Kurses „Product Management I – Marketing Planning“ statt. Kerninhalte dieses Kurses bilden die Markt-, Kunden- und…

Eric Schwartz

Research Talk by Eric Schwartz, University of Michigan (US)

As our latest guest for our Research Seminar Series we welcomed Eric Schwartz from the University of Michigan. He shared his recent work on A-B testing in online advertising experiments. To test user…

Kelly D. Martin

Research Talk by Kelly D. Martin, Colorado State University (US)

We were honored to welcome Dr. Kelly D. Martin from Colorado State University as our second guest in the Research Seminars Series. Her presentation shed light on the role of customer data privacy as a…


Kulturmarketing – Einblick in ein anderes Marketing-Paradigma

Am 21. März 2023 durften wir Jonathan Hörnig, Marketing & Mediathek der Tanzquartier Wien GmbH, in unserem BA-Kurs „Marketing Across Industries“ der Speziellen Marketing als Guest-Speaker begrüßen.…

Vanessa Patrick-Ralhan

Research Talk by Vanessa Patrick-Ralhan, University of Houston (US)

Dr. Vanessa Patrick-Ralhan from University of Houston (US) was the first guest in the Research Seminar Series this semester. She presented her work on Inclusive Design Transformation. Inclusive…

Students SS2023

Welcome to our marketing specialization! (SBWL)

We warmly welcome the class of SS 2023 and look forward to spending the next two exciting semesters together!

Picture Course

CTS Eventim / oeticket – Marketing für ein Ticketing-Unternehmen

13 Studierende unserer SBWL Marketing haben für Österreichs führendes Ticketing-Unternehmen CTS Eventim/ drei spannende Themen ein Semester lang bearbeitet und waren schon gespannt auf das…

Paulo Albuquerque

Research Talk by Paulo Albuquerque, INSEAD (FR)

We were honored to host Paulo Albuquerque from INSEAD, who gave the first talk of our Research Seminar Series in 2023. His outstanding research focuses on the introduction of new products, consumer…

Group picture: Marketing Consulting Project

Abschlusspräsentation des Kurses Marketing Consulting Projekt – hoch hinaus mit dem Kooperationspartner Raiffeisen

Am 24.01.2023 fand im 14ten Stock in den spektakulären Sky Conference Räumen der im Raiffeisen Bank International AG die Abschlusspräsentation der Lehrveranstaltung „Marketing Consulting Projekt“…

Wolfgang Denzel Autohaus AG

„Wenn Auto, dann Denzel!“

Michael GINDL und Philipp RESCH sind beide, WU Absolventen und bei einem der 100 Top Unternehmen in Österreich - der Wolfgang Denzel Autohaus AG - verantwortlich für Marketing und Vertrieb.  Wir…

Deborah Small, Yale University (US)

Research Talk by Deborah Small, Yale University (US)

We had the pleasure of welcoming Professor Deborah Small from Yale School of Management as part of our Research Seminar Series. Deborah Small is a prolific researcher with very interesting articles in…

Barbara Enzinger

Praxisfallstudie B2B-Marketing – Wienerberger

Barbara Enzinger, WU Absolventin und seit vielen Jahren Internal Communication Manager und ehem. Head of Marketing and Communications, Wienerberger AG war in diesem Semester wieder live an der WU zu…

Ulrike Kaiser

Applying for the MSc Marketing (Autumn 2023)

In case you’ve missed the WU Master’s Day on 6th December, you can watch the presentation of the MSc Marketing by the Academic Director Ulrike Kaiser on the YouTube channel @wuvienna: WU Master's Day…

Slide SBWL

Are you interested in our marketing specialization? (SBWL)

Here you can find the SBWL Marketing presentation slides with all the relevant information to help get you started on your path (including information on registration, entry requirements, and exam…

designer Atıl Kutoglu

Guest Speaker: Atıl Kutoglu explained his successful journey in the Fashion world.

Famous Austrian-Turkish designer Atıl Kutoglu was a guest speaker in the elective bachelor course Fashion Marketing on 22 November 2022. Mr. Kutoglu told his successful journey in the international…

Günter Hitsch, University of Chicago (US)

Research Talk by Günter Hitsch, University of Chicago (US)

We had the opportunity to welcome Prof. Günther Hitsch, the Kilts Family Professor of Marketing at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business as another visiting scholar in our Research…

Lan Luo, University of Southern California (US)

Research Talk by Lan Luo, University of Southern California (US)

As our latest guest in our Research Seminar Series, we welcomed Lan Luo from the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California (US). She shared her recent work on the role of profile…

Jonathan Hörnig, Leiter Marketing & Mediathek des Tanzquartier Wien (TQW)

Kurs IV: TQW - Kunst & Marketing muss kein Widerspruch sein!

Im Vertiefungskurs IV der Speziellen Markting „Marketing Across Industries“ durften wir Jonathan Hörnig, Leiter Marketing & Mediathek des Tanzquartier Wien (TQW) am WU-Campus begrüßen. Im Rahmen…

Pia van Saanen

Kurs I: Dare to make an impact

Auch in diesem Semester war die Projektkooperation mit Henkel ein Highlight im Einstiegskurs der Speziellen Marketing „Product Management I: Marketing Planning“. Unsere Studierenden führten –…

Anne Klesse, Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL)

Research Talk by Anne Klesse, Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL)

As part of our Research Seminar series, we had the pleasure of welcoming Dr. Anne Klesse from the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University Rotterdam. As part of her work on the impact…

Personal Selling and Sales Management in the Global Context class

Korn Ferry’s Senior Client Partner on the Challenges in Recruitment and Selection of Salespeople

On November 10, 2022, the 1931 Personal Selling and Sales Management in the Global Context class, led by Dr. Zoran Latinovic, had the pleasure of having on-campus Mr. Andreas Perklitsch, Senior Client…

Prof. Ayelet Israeli; Harvard University (US)

Research Talk by Ayelet Israeli, Harvard University (US)

Prof. Ayelet Israeli from Harvard University (US) was our second guest in the Research Seminar Series this semester. She presented her work on “BEAT Unintended Bias in Personalized Policies”. …

GF Christoph Klingler (CTS Eventim Austria / oeticket)

CTS Eventim / oeticket – Marketing für ein Ticketing-Unternehmen

Erfolgreicher Kick-Off mit Österreichs führendem Ticketing-Unternehmen CTS Eventim/ Am Montag gab es ein persönliches Briefing mit dem Geschäftsführer unseres Kooperationspartners und…

Guest Speaker: Mario Rauch

Guest Speaker: Mario Rauch, shares his insights on data-driven business decisions at Jö

This week’s core masters course Management by Experiments once again lived up to its title with the visit of WU Alumnus Mario Rauch, managing director of the biggest loyalty club in Austria jö, who…

Michael Haenlein, ESCP Business School (FR)

Research Talk by Michael Haenlein, ESCP Business School (FR)

For our first Research Seminar talk of this semester, we had the pleasure of welcoming Prof. Michael Haenlein from ESCP Business School. He presented his work on “The Merchants of Meta:…

Picture SBWL Welcome

Welcome to our marketing specialization! (SBWL)

We warmly welcome the class of WS 2022/23 and look forward to spending the next two exciting semesters together!

Picture Holweg/Kaiser

What a wonderful journey!

After 6 years of heading the MSc Marketing as the Academic Director, Christina Holweg passes on the program to Ulrike Kaiser as of September 1, 2022! Incredibly grateful for the many major milestones…

Logo P&C

Event Trendforscher trifft Trendsetter

Wie sieht das Shopping-Erlebnis von morgen aus? Sind Technologien wie digitale Self-Check-Outs, Magic Mirrors, Virtual Reality und künstliche Intelligenz die Zukunft? Wie gelingt die Verschmelzung von…


„Learning by Consulting“ (Kurs V in der Speziellen Marketing des Bachelorprogramms): Thema Produktreparatur

Im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung „Learning by Consulting“ (Kurs V in der Speziellen Marketing des Bachelorprogramms) haben sich 14 Studierende während des Sommersemester 2022 intensiv mit dem Thema…

Picture Jura Liaukonyte

Research Talk by Jura Liaukonyte, Cornell University (US)

For our last Research Seminar Lecture of this semester, we had the pleasure of welcoming Prof. Jura Liaukonyte from Cornell University. She presented her work about patterns in brick-and-mortar and…

Picture Green Marketing Award

Green Marketing Award 2022 – Gala mit Keynote von Frau BM Gewessler

Der Green Marketing Award – eine Initiative von ÖBB Werbung, Horizont und GroupM – holte Mitte Juni in den ÖBB-Werkstätten in Wien Simmering erstmals österreichische Projekte und Kampagnen vor den…


Raising Hands – Eine Kooperation mit großem Impact

Die in den letzten 3 Jahren entstandene Skulptur von Julia Bugram wurde vor kurzem am Stephansplatz enthüllt. Das partizipative Kunstprojekt bestehend aus einer Million 1-Cent-Münzen in Form von…

Picture with Students at Kunsthalle

Die WU zu Gast in der Kulturinstitution Kunsthalle Wien – Abschluss des Projektkurses unserer Speziellen im Marketing

Im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung „Learning by Consulting“ haben sich dieses Sommersemester 15 Studierende der Speziellen Marketing intensiv mit der Wahrnehmung des Außenauftritts der Kunsthalle Wien…

Screenshot Powerpoint

Are you interested in our marketing specialization? (SBWL)

Here you can find the SBWL Marketing presentation slides with all the relevant information to help get you started on your path (including information on registration, entry requirements, and exam…

Slide P&C

Abschlusspräsentation Kurs V „Learning by Consulting“ (Bachelor: Spezielle Marketing) mit Peek & Cloppenburg (P&C)

Im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung Marketing Consulting Project arbeiteten Studierende der SBWL Marketing ein Semester lang intensiv an verschiedenen Aufgabenstellungen des Projektpartners Peek &…

Colleen Harmeling

Research Talk by Colleen Harmeling, Florida State University (US)

In the latest talk of our Research Seminar Series, Colleen Harmeling, Associate Professor of Marketing at Florida State University, presented her research on morality and donation giving. We all hold…

Talk Olivier Rubel

Research Talk by Olivier Rubel, University of California Davis (US)

Last week Olivier Rubel from Graduate School of Management, University of California Davis (US) have presented his latest research in our Research Seminar Series. For most firms the big part of…

Jim Fairweather, Head of Corporate Sales for Google Cloud in the Northeast US

Google Cloud's Sales Leader about the Top B2B Sales Traits

On May 23, 2022, the 5870 Personal Selling and Sales Management class, led by Dr. Zoran Latinovic, had the pleasure of having Jim Fairweather, Head of Corporate Sales for Google Cloud in the Northeast…

M. Draganska

Research Talk by Michaela Draganska, Drexel University (US)

Last week, Prof. Michaela Draganska, from Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business visited us and presented her research in one of our Research Seminar Series lectures. Usually, marketing…

Yesim Orhun, University of Michigan (US)

Research Talk by Yesim Orhun, University of Michigan (US)

Yesterday, Yesim Orhun from the University of Michigan presented one of her latest projects in the Research Seminar Series. Her project “Motivated Optimism and Workplace Risk” deals with the return to…

Picture Enzinger

Praxisfallstudie B2B-Marketing – Wienerberger

Barbara Enzinger, WU Absolventin und seit vielen Jahren Internal Communication Manager und ehem. Head of Marketing and Communications, Wienerberger AG war in diesem Semester wieder live an der WU zu…


Research Talk by Renana Peres, The Hebrew University Business School (IL)

We had the opportunity to welcome Prof. Renana Peres, the Head of Marketing Department and Vice Dean for External Affairs at the Hebrew University Business School in Israel as our fourth speaker in…


Selling the Fruits of One's Labor! New Top-Publication in the Journal of Marketing

Digital platforms for self-made products such as Etsy or Amazon Handmade have experienced a fast-paced growth over the last years. Only in 2020 Etsy had around 4.4 million sellers and 82 million…

Logo GMA

NEU - Green Marketing Award – Ein starkes Zeichen für die Nachhaltigkeit

Der neue „Green Marketing Award“ (GMA) will ein starkes Zeichen für die Nachhaltigkeit setzen. Die Premiere verzeichnet 83 (!) Einreichungen und dazu tagte eine hochkarätige Expert:innen-Jury Anfang…

Picture Vortragende

D2C Marketing: Vom Produzenten direkt auf den Teller (Gastvortrag Schachinger)

Der Direktvertrieb von regionalen Lebensmitteln boomt, sei es in Form von Gemüsekisterl, Ab-Hof-Verkauf, oder FoodCoops. Daraus ergeben sich neue Herausforderungen im gekühlten Transport. In der LV…

[Translate to English:] Foto von Henkel Mitarbeitern

Erfolgreiche Abschlusspräsentationen im Kurs „Product-Management I“

Am 4. April 2022 fanden die Abschlusspräsentationen des Kurses „Product-Management I“ statt. Als Projektaufgabe führten die Studierenden der Speziellen Marketing eine Analyse des Marktes für…

Hannes Datta, Tilburg University (NL)

Research Talk by Hannes Datta, Tilburg University (NL)

As a third guest speaker in our Seminar Series, Hannes Datta, Associate Professor of Marketing at Tilburg University, presented his and his coauthors’ work on demand drivers for Spotify playlists. …

Caroline Wiertz, University of London (UK)

Research Talk by Caroline Wiertz, University of London (UK)

As the second guest speaker for the Research Seminar, Caroline Wiertz, Deputy Dean and Professor of Marketing at Bayes Business School (formerly Cass), presented her and her co-worker’s work on…

Research Seminar Stephan Seiler

Research Talk by Stephan Seiler, Imperial College London (UK)

The first speaker for the summer semester 2022 at our Research Seminar Series was Stephan Seiler from Imperial College London. Stephan presented his and his co-authors’ work on how to best design…

Vor Ort in der Kunsthalle

Kick-Off des Marketing Consulting Projektes in der Kunsthalle Wien

Am 7. März 2022 fand in der Kunsthalle Wien das Kick-Off Event unseres Projektkurses „Learning by Consulting“ statt. 15 Studierende der Speziellen Marketing wurden vom kaufmännischen Geschäftsführer…

Class of SS2022

Welcome to our marketing specialization! (SBWL)

We warmly welcome the class of SS 2022 and look forward to spending the next two exciting semesters together!


Abschlusspräsentation Kurs V „Learning by Consulting“ (Bachelor: Spezielle Marketing) mit SteadySteps - Nachhaltigkeit

Am 27. Jänner 2022 wurden die Ergebnisse von Kurs V „Learning by Consulting“ der Speziellen Marketing (Bachelorprogramm) im Rahmen einer Videokonferenz dem Auftraggeber „Steady Steps“ präsentiert. 15…


Supermarkt-Check Österreich: Was taugen Rabattaktionen?

Österreichs Supermärkte – wo kauft man besser, wo billiger? Zahlreiche Aktionen und Lockangebote machen das Bild für die Konsumentin oder den Konsumenten unübersichtlich. Im ORF III Themenmontag…

[Translate to English:] Foto von MS Teams mit Teilnehmern

Marketing Consulting Project unter dem Motto „Wir macht’s möglich“

Im Rahmen des Projektkurses „Marketing Consulting Project“ der Speziellen Marketing haben sich unsere Studierenden dieses Wintersemester intensiv mit der Evaluation des Social Media Auftrittes der…

[Translate to English:] Nessler Julia

P&C – Marketingoffensive trotz(t) Gesundheitskrise

Im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung Kurs 2 – Product Management konnten wir Julia Nessler von unserem Kooperationspartner Peek & Cloppenburg für einen Praxisvortrag gewinnen. Gerade am Ende des Kurses gab…

[Translate to English:] Prof. Peter Zubscek

Research Talk by Peter Zubcsek, Tel Aviv University (IL)

The fourth and final speaker for the winter semester 2021/2022 at our research seminar was Peter Zubcsek from Tel Aviv University. Peter presented a timely project on how privcay can be preserved when…

[Translate to English:] Portrait Kelley Hippler

Kelley Hippler, CSO Forrester, on The Future of Sales

Forrester (NASDAQ: FORR), headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, is a leading global advisory and market research company that helps many organizations in their customer-centric efforts…

[Translate to English:] erste Seite der PowerPoint Folie

Are you interested in our marketing specialization? (SBWL)

Here you can find the SBWL Marketing presentation slides with all the relevant information to help get you started on your path (including information on registration, entry requirements, and exam…