Recreation and sports

Campus WU is designed to be an environment where people can meet, communicate, study, work, and relax. Attractive features on the grounds, set apart from university operations, guarantee urban living on campus.

Outside areas

The open grounds between the buildings have plenty of comfortable seating areas and invite passers-by to have a seat and relax for a while.

Campus WU Freiraum EA

Entering the campus from the west, visitors are welcomed by an inviting plaza in front of the Executive Academy. Benches built into the surrounding landscape provide places to sit, lie, and relax. Trees will be planted for shade and protection.

Campus WU Freiraum D4

A few steps further into the campus interior bring you to an island-like oasis: Relax WU. What makes this area special is the large reflecting pond, spanned by a floating plateau and surrounded by unique concrete furnishings. Ramps make the neighboring park area wheelchair accessible. The area can be used as a sun deck. Shade is provided by a single, free-standing tree.

Campus WU Freiraum D3

The area in front of Department Building 3 is ideal for a bit of al fresco reading. This is a place to rest, relax, and daydream in the shade. Here you can recharge your batteries and find inspiration in pleasant surroundings.

Campus WU Stage

The largest, most central open space in front of the Library & Learning Center will feature viewing platforms facing in all directions. This is the place to see and be seen. The space, Stage WU, can also serve as a multi-functional event venue. All routes through the campus converge here.

Campus WU Freiraum D1

The area in front of the Teaching Center is tiered, and the various levels are accessible by stairs or ramps. Plane trees planted between the large concrete slabs plastering the plaza form a natural roof and provide cool shade on hot days.

Wide stairs for both climbing and sitting lead up to the self-study zones on the cafeteria roof and connect the plaza to the central paths through campus, allowing for spontaneous communication.

Campus WU Freiraum D2

The space in front of Department Building 2 defines the east entrance to the campus; students will pass by and through it on their way to classes in the Teaching Center. Elegantly sculpted benches surrounding the plaza invite passers-by to have a seat after class.

Athletic facilities

Campus WU also has a Sports Center: a large gym for indoor sports, an aerobics room, and a fitness center offer plentiful opportunities for athletic activities. There is also a basketball court located between the Executive Academy and Department Building 3. And then, of course, there’s all of Prater Park right next door for hiking, jogging, skating, cycling…

Campus WU basketball court
Campus WU table tennis