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[Translate to English:] Foto von Behnam Zakeri

Mapping global rooftop growth for sustainable energy and urban planning

A novel machine learning framework to estimate global rooftop area growth from 2020 to 2050 can aid in planning sustainable energy systems, urban development, and climate change mitigation, and has…

[Translate to English:] Foto von Lukas Lehner

Study finds correlation between temporary employment and salary growth

Involuntary temporary employment is the reason why wage growth has long been slower than predicted in Europe, as economists from WU Vienna University of Economics and Business and the Oesterreichische…

[Translate to English:] Foto von Georg Kanitsar

Is football coming out? Why homophobia still seems widespread in football

Homosexuality is still a taboo subject in soccer – more so than in other areas of society. A study by WU Vienna has shed light on the reasons for this.

[Translate to English:] Foto von Kavita Surana

Rapid Rise in Corporate Climate-tech Investments Complements Support from Public Grants

A new study published in Nature Energy finds that corporate investments into climate-tech start-ups coupled with public and other private funding can expedite the deployment of new technologies.

[Translate to English:] Foto Ronald Hochreiter

Building the future of finance: Launch of the DIGITAL doctoral research program

Employing digital technologies to make the European financial sector more efficient, robust, and sustainable – this is the goal of the EU-funded MSCA Digital Finance research program. WU Vienna…

[Translate to English:] Foto Axel Polleres

“A unique opportunity to conduct fundamental research in the field of AI”

In the FWF Cluster of Excellence “Bilateral AI”, top researchers from Austria are working on the future development of artificial intelligence. Among them are experts from WU like Axel Polleres – in…

[Translate to English:] Foto Kavita Surana

CO2 capture: a promising climate technology

Capturing CO2 from the air can complement approaches to reducing CO2 from the source — but depending on how they scale, according to a recent study.

[Translate to English:] Key Visual Europa

Europe at the crossroads

As a collection of nation states, the EU has fallen behind the USA and China economically. It was only when the war in Ukraine broke out that European integration started to regain faster momentum…

[Translate to English:] Portraitfoto Philipp Homar

The copyright challenges of artificial intelligence

Is it allowed to use copyrighted data in the training of AI applications, and to what extent? Are AI-generated creations protected by copyright? These and similar questions show that copyright is a…

[Translate to English:] Foto von Marius Lüdicke

Sadistic entertainment, clan wars, and vigilante policing: Study sheds light on the dark side of online communities

Verbal abuse, insults, threats: Some online communities are notorious for their toxic atmosphere. A study co-authored by a WU researcher has documented the underlying mechanisms – and looked at why…