Video Competition: Pitch Responsible Innovation


Are you working on responsible innovation concepts? Can you pitch responsible innovation in 3 minutes?

Together with 13 partners from industry, research and civil society, the Institute for Managing Sustainability has initiated the video competition “Pitch Responsible Innovation to Industry Leaders” in the context of the Living Innovation (LIV_IN) project.

The goal of the competition is to transform academic discourses on responsible innovation into a language that resonates well with industry leaders. The Call for Submissions is open until 30 April 2019. No need to be a professional videographer: all you need is a smartphone or camera to record a video and a persuasive pitch!

How it works:

1)     Check the Call for Submissions

2)     Make a 3-4 minute video with your pitch

3)     Submit it online by 30 April, 2019

Best submissions will be selected by an expert panel of academic and industry representatives. The best submissions will be widely shared with industry leaders, receive a cash award of up to EUR 1.000, and public recognition in a virtual award ceremony. Best pitches will be prominently featured on the LIV_IN website and showcased during the LIV_IN Virtual Summit in June 2019.

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