IfSTO Team Member Alexander Staub accepted as Visiting Scholar at the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard


Alexander Staub, Prae Doc at the Institute for Strategy, Technology and Organization, is part of the LISH (Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard) effective as of 01.02.2021 for 2 terms. Due to ongoing restrictions around the COVID pandemic, the fellowship will be taking place virtually until further notice.

The LISH is an interdisciplinary research lab, led by Eva C. Guinan (Harvard Medical School), Marco Iansiti (Harvard Business School), Karim R. Lakhani (Harvard Business School), David C. Parkes (Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences) and Jin H. Paik. The lab's team actively publish leading research in the fields of crowdsourcing, open innovation, AI development and technology commercialization (among other things).

Alexander Staub has been part of the institute since 2018 and the visiting fellowship grants him the opportunity to collaborate with and present his own research to internationally renowned researchers. He is the first of hopefully many IfSTO affiliated visitors at LISH going forward, due to a recently established arrangement between Prof. Christopher Lettl and Prof. Karim Lakhani to foster joint research collaborations.