Fueling the Future - Assessment of Emerging Battery and Fuel Cell Technologies


Sommersemester 2022 / Varta


The project partner VARTA Microbatteries, a world-leading battery manufacturing company from Ellwangen in Germany, wanted to compare two emerging technologies, namely Solid-State Batteries and Hydrogen.


The main goal of the project was to determine the comparative strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of hydrogen and solid state technologies. Key players in the two technology fields were to be identified and analyzed. Additionally, a market analysis to determine potential market size, share, cost structure, and profit potential was to be conducted.


To reach the project goals, secondary sources posed as the starting point for the project research, providing first insights into the project, market and firm environment. A PESTEL analysis was performed to investigate the political, legal, social, economic, and environmental factors. Further, an analysis of the competitor landscape offered insights into competing businesses as well as into trends emerging in the industry. A market and investment analysis was complemented with expert interviews for additional insights.


Based on the research the team derived a preliminary assessment and competitive environment analysis, deriving the key players and necessary R&D budget, as well as a future market outlook. Finally, an investment recommendation was drawn, as to which of the two technologies holds a more promising future.

Cooperation Partner

Contact Person

  • Jim Lefebre - Jim.Lefebre@varta-finance.com

Student Team

  • Angerer, Theresa

  • Kleber, Laura

  • Mende, Florian

  • Theuer, Vinzent

  • Wezel, Theo

Project Manager

  • Mag. Benjamin Monsorno, MA

  • Dr. Jakob Pohlisch