Better protection for Web services of WU

"If WU is on it and the address line is green, then WU is in it!"

Unfortunately, the number and quality of fake websites is constantly increasing. More and more it happens that users enter their account data and passwords erroneously on fake pages.

For this reason, WU is now starting to secure its most important Web services through so-called "Extended Validation SSL Certificates." However, unlike traditional SSL certificates, "Extended Validation SSL Certificates" offer extended protection, e.g. Against phishing attacks.

These certificates are always displayed in the web browser (depending on the application, either in green letters or with a green background).

In addition, the organizational name - "WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)" is also visible at first sight. 

The following services are now converted to the Extended Validation SSL certificates:

Users can immediately see whether the page accessed is actually drived from the WU.