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Recreational Activities in Vienna

Vienna offers a wide variety of recreational activities: from cultural events to athletics, there’s something for everyone. Admission prices vary widely, but many places offer student discounts and some institutions cater especially to students, e.g. the Universitätssportinstitut (USI). Usually all you need is a student ID to be eligible for discounted admissions.

Athletic Activities

Sports and exercise are a good way to relax and re-charge after a challenging day in class. The Universitätssportinstitut (USI) has an athletic center on Campus WU, with gymnasiums and a fitness room. To find out more about the courses and services available from USI, please see their website at

Further opportunities to play sports on campus include a basketball court located between the WU Executive Academy and the department building 4, and table tennis tables behind department building 3. The expansive Prater park right next to Campus WU is an ideal place for jogging, cycling, walking, inline skating, and more. If you are interested in joining a sports team or club, you can find more information on theCity of Vienna homepage.

Cultural Activities

Vienna is the place to be for culture aficionados. Whether you’d rather visit a museum, attend a concert, or go to the movies, you have a huge array of activities to choose from. Be sure to ask if student discounts, group prices, or combination tickets are available, and always have your student ID with you. The City of Vienna website has a good overview of cultural and recreational activities and tips on where to go.

Austrian Students’ Union for WU (ÖH WU)

The Austrian Students’ Union offers a number of recreational activities for WU students. These activities also give you the opportunity to meet your fellow students and socialize.

Learn more!

International Embassies and Consulates in Vienna