Welcome Melanie!


We are pleased to welcome to the Institute Melanie Clegg, our new PostDoc / Assistant Professor.

Melanie Clegg completed her PhD at the University of Lucerne, and was recently a Visiting Scholar at the Marketing Department of Columbia Business School. Prior to her PhD, she studied psychology at the Universities of Düsseldorf and Cologne.

Melanie Clegg's research interests lie at the intersection of psychology, consumer behavior, and emerging technologies. With an academic background in psychology, she is particularly interested in cognitive processes that influence our interactions with digital technologies, but also in how our perceptions and behaviors will be changed by increasing touch points with digital technologies.

Specifically, she works on projects related to consumer perception and interaction with algorithms and artificial intelligence, ethical and moral issues related to algorithms, and social interactions in the digital space.

We are looking forward to the new team member and wish her all the best for her start at WU!