When and how does cultural diversity benefit or harm teams in international business? (Jan. 26)


STaR invites you to join an upcoming Academy of International Business webinar on culturally diverse teams. . .

What have we learned about processes in culturally diverse teams? How do contextual features influence these processes? And, what research questions do we need to investigate deeper?

These key questions will be the subject of our next free webinar, featuring expert perspectives from the latest issues of the Journal of International Business Studies and Journal of International Business Policy.

This live conversation is open to the entire IB community, but you need to move quickly to save your spot: Online sign-up closes Tuesday, January 25.

Once you've signed up, be sure to keep an eye on your email inbox: That's where you'll receive your livestream access link, approximately 24 hours before the event.

Full details and a registration link for this session are available HERE.