Thesis Topics SS 2023


Dear students, 

We have published the new thesis topics for the summer semester on

If you are interested in writing a thesis with us, you need to express your interest by sending an email to mentioning the topics you are interested in plus a paragraph explaining what potentially qualifies you for this topic. As attachment, include a single PDF file with the file name „<family-name>_<student-ID>_<topic-no>.PDF“, which contains both a CV and recent Sammelzeugnis. 

Note that it is allowed to express interest for more than one topic (as a list ordered by preference), but in such cases a separate motivation paragraph for each topic needs to be provided. Also in that case, please send a single pdf file with the file name „<family-name>_<student-ID>_<topic-no first priority>_<topic-no second priority>_<topic-no third priority>.PDF“. It is not necessary to send the CV and the collective certificate more than once.  Deadline for expression of interest is 16 April 2023.

Students will be assigned to topics based on their interest and their prior knowledge in relevant areas. This will be handled at the kickoff workshop, taking place on 25.04.2023, 16:00-18:00, TC.5.03. This will be the singular opportunity to sign up for a thesis topic in the summer semester. Note that we will only offer new thesis supervision in October 2023.

All students must familiarize themselves with the latest regulations of writing a thesis with our institute summarized at

We are looking forward to supervising you!