Successful Kick-Off Meeting of the EU-Project LIV_IN at the WU Vienna


The first project meeting of the new EU-Project LIV_IN took place on May 29-20 at the WU Vienna. In addition to interactive workshop sessions, the 33 participants also exchanged through exciting lectures and discussions.

LIV_IN is an EU project under the Horizon2020 program dealing with the implementation of Responsible Research and Innovation through co-creation with industry and citizens in the field of “Smart Future Living”. 18 different co-creation workshops and the implementation of a virtual community platform are planned for the course of this project. The project has a duration of three years and started in May 2018. In total, 15 different project partners are involved, such as Siemens, Telefonica and Infineon. The Institute for Managing Sustainability is the coordinator of the project.