Social Impact Award Summit 2022


The Social Impact Award Summit 2022 took place from November, 15 until November, 19 in Vienna. Gathering more than 120 participants from Central Asia, East Africa and Europe, the summit aims to work as a skill booster and networking event among young social innovators. The Social Entrepreneurship Center is proud to have contributed to various sessions of the event.

On the one hand, Peter Vandor, founder of SIA and co-founder of the SEC introduced an interested group of participants to impact measurement basics. Moreover, Martin Mehrwald spoke about the potential of podcasts to raise awareness on social issues and recorded a live episode of the SEC-podcast Inside Impact with Social Impact Award-alumna Kate Lee at the summit. Finally, Melina Matzawrakos, Fabian Hobodites, Yvonne Reif and Martin Mehrwald invited two groups of attendants to visit WU Vienna, where they got to know more about the activities of Social Entrepreneurship Center and WU Gründungszentrum.

We thank Ana Janosev and Jonas Dinger, managing directors of Social Impact Award for the invitation, and everyone who contributed to a wonderful summit.