Skill Session: Breathing to Self-Regulate


In person Training | LC.2.004 | 11:00 – 12:00

Skill Session: Breathing to Self-Regulate

Skill Session_Presence

Each skill session in this series focuses on one skill that can support you in successfully moving through student life at WU. We will practice a variety of breathing practices for different contexts and purposes. The main focus is on breathing to self-regulate in stressful situations.

TopicOur reactions to stress are closely connected to our breathing patterns. In this skill session you will learn a number of breathing techniques that help you self-regulate when stressed in different situations and contexts.
  • Understanding the connection of breath and stress reactions in the body
  • learning different breathing techniques
  • expanding your lung capacity
  • Gaining practical and personal experience of your stress response and your related breathing pattern
RegistrationYou can sign up for this event here.  Limited places available based on a first come, first served basis.  Be kind! If you can’t make it, let us know so we can offer the space to another student.