Responsible Leadership in Rising Economies: Call for Submissions


The Academy of Management is organizing a Specialized Conference on Responsible Leadership in Rising Economies. The Institute for Managing Sustainability, represented by a.Prof. Dr. André Martinuzzi and Norma Schönherr, MSc., is chairing a special track on Responsible and Sustainable Innovation sponsored by the Organizations and the Natural Environment (ONE) division. Sessions in this track will focus on Responsible Innovation, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in the context of both scientific exploration and practical application.

Submissions are invited for paper sessions, panel symposia and Professional Development Workshop. For more information, find the Call for Submissions here.

Please consider submitting your work! The deadline for all submissions is 30 April 2019; the conference itself takes place on 23-25 October 2019 in pictureaque Bled, Slovenia. It will provide a platform for engaging with Responsible Leadership in the context of rising and transforming economies, reflecting the dynamic nature of a rapidly changing world. The conference will also deal with the question of how the scholarly management community, in collaboration with businesses, policy makers, NGOs, media and other stakeholders interested in the new role of business in society, can best support the development of responsible management and sustainable innovation.