Experttalk with Walter H. Lukner, Payback


Experttalk with Payback

This week's Praxisdialog with Walter Lukner, Managing Director of Payback Austria, was all about customer loyalty. The company, which expanded from Germany to Austria in 2018, has 3.2 million Austrian participants and is not only present in stationary retail, but also online.

The multi-partner programme motivates customers to collect points, which can then be redeemed at the partners. Each point is worth one cent.  Compared to a classic discount system that educates customers to always look for the lowest price, points motivate shoppers to make repeat purchases at the same shop by rewarding customer loyalty. The data obtained in the programme helps to better understand customer behaviour and play out relevant offers.

It was interesting to hear that despite the increasing digitalisation of the loyalty programme via an app, both paper mailings and the personal invitation to participate in the programme by the cashiers still play an essential role in the success of Payback.

We would like to thank Mr Lukner very much for his visit to the practical dialogue and the insight into the world of customer loyalty programmes.