Expert talk with Susanne Vockenhuber, Louis Vuitton


Many thanks to Susanne Vockenhuber, Store Director at Louis Vuitton in Vienna, for her guest lecture on "Client Experience at Louis Vuitton – how to navigate the blessing and the curse of being the #1 in luxury" at our guest lecturer series “Praxisdialog Handel und Marketing” at the @Institut for Retailing und Data Science at @Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien this week. It was fascinating to hear about the challenges involved in handling around 2000 visitors in the store on a typical Saturday (and even twice as many before Christmas) while at the same time offering a unique shopping experience and successfully communicating the brand values of “savoir faire” and innovation. The brand, which achieved record sales of 20 billion euros in the last fiscal year, owes its success not only to its wide range of products (from entry-level products in the luxury market to tailor-made commissioned exclusive pieces) and its collaborations with artists, but also and above all to the experience at the point of sale and personal interaction with the client advisors. A great example of the potential power of the point of sale!