Praxisdialog – in conversation with Amata Ring, Account Director GfK


For this expert talk, we could invite Amata Ring, Account Director at europanel. At europanel, they measure data from 450,000 households in 58 different countries. In Austria, 4,000 households participate in the europanel with data from the GfK Consumer Panel. Representatively for the 3.86 million households in Austria, the shopping behavior for groceries and other daily goods of the panel participants is researched.

The focus of the expert talk were some exciting questions: Which benefits does household panel data provide compared to customer loyalty programs? Which insights do we get from a Gain & Loss analysis? What is the potential of a retailer and how can he exploit it? Why is the sales potential more significant than market shares? Which guidance does a shopper typology provides when segmenting a market? Which changes do we see due to Covid-19 and how sustainable are those?

We thank Amata Ring for providing us with the interesting answers to those questions and many more and are looking forward to our next Praxisdialog.