Praxisdialog: A world without waste


In our final guest lecture this semester, the Institute for Retailing & Data Science welcomed Philipp Bodzenta, Director Public Affairs and Communication at Coca-Cola Austria and graduate of the specialization “Handel und Marketing”. In his talk "World Without Waste" he showed us how Coca-Cola wants to contribute to this ambitious goal with innovative packaging design and which concept retailers and the beverage industry have developed together to implement a beverage deposit system on disposable beverage packaging for PET bottles in Austria, which will be mandatory from January 2025. Hearing that 1.6 billion plastic packages and 0.8 billion cans are used in Austria every year showed us the dimension of the challenge. Among the audience was another graduate of our institute, Florian Berger, CEO of the Association of Austrian Beverage Producers. A big thank you to Philipp Bodzenta for the insights on this important topic.