Occupational Change with Innosteps


Sommersemester 2022 / Innosteps


More and more people are unsatisfied in their current occupational situation. Even though they have the potential to find their passion and do something about their unpleasant situation, many do not manage to take the first step and initiate the occupational change process. This is where our project partner comes into play. Over the course of Summer Term 2022 the project team developed an occupational change program that helps people to find their passion and guides them through the occupational change journey.


The goal of the project was to develop an out of the box solution to guide and assist people through their occupational change process. In particular, the focus lied on the reasons for dissatisfaction in the current job and possible motivational techniques to kick-start the change process.


In order to come up with different innovative, customer centred solutions the project team was working with the design thinking method, developed by IDEO and Stanford University. The different instruments of the design thinking methodology enabled us to frequently engage with our target group in an iterative way. Through rapid prototyping we managed to build a mid-fidelity prototype that our project partner can now use for further development.


The result is an individualized, yet scalable occupational change program. Occupational Change with Innostpes prepares its customers on a psychological as well as on a professional level to find a job they are really passionate about.

The program consists of individual reflection periods and personal coaching. Through a variety of different tasks that the user must complete, the job change process is filled daily with small accomplishments and a sense of achievement. The results of the individual tasks of the respective user are communicated to the supervising career coach so that he or she can optimally prepare for the upcoming coaching session. In this way, the average number of coaching sessions is reducible from over 5 to 3.

The whole program is built in a modular way that offers a high degree of customization while maintaining scalability. An online self-assessment test developed by the project team helps the supervising career coach to decide which modules need to be completed in order to have the highest success rate.

Cooperation Partner

  • Innosteps
    Franz Josefs Kai 13
    1010 Wien

Contact Person

  • Mag. Nicola Klein - office@innosteps.at

Student Team

  • Lena Karaberg

  • Lena Seidinger

  • Marie Chuffart

  • Annika Klopf

  • Peter Por

  • Felix Ambros

Project Manager

  • Erik Kommol M.Sc.

  • Mag. Carola Wandres M.Sc.