Investigating the User Experience for a New Education Product


Sommersemester 2020 - FESTO Didactic



The goal of this project was to conduct a thorough analysis of the user experience on new online learning product. The team aimed at identifying the general expectations of potential customers regarding similar products and at observing the user experience when users tried the product.


First, a survey has been undertaken that consisted of 31 questions aiming at identifying the needs and expectations of potential users. Second, qualitative non-structured interviews have been conducted with potential users during which they could express their opinion on the current version of the product. The team observed the user journey as potential users tried out the product for the first time.


Results of the project highlighted features especially requested by users, but also showed areas for improvement in terms of the user interface.

Cooperation Partner

  • FESTO Didactic SE
    Rechbergstraße 3
    73770 Denkendorf

Contact Person

  • Dr. Ute Gebhard

Student Team

  • Nadine Damblon
    Nikita Ielanskyi
    Gregor Ritt
    Adel Szabados
    Benjamin Trenker
    Philipp Urch

Project Manager

  • Caroline Fabian, M.Sc.

  • Shtefi Mladenovska, M.Sc.

  • Klaus Marhold, Ph.D.