IfSTO research project selected for PDMA Honorable Mention Award


The doctoral dissertation research of Tom Grad „Exploring Crowd Evaluations of Crowdsourced Ideas“ was among the top three submissions in the 2015 PDMA Doctoral Dissertation Competition and selected for an Honorable Mention Award by the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA).

The project, which is conducted in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Christopher Lettl, Dr. Christian Garaus, and the Federal Chancellery of Austria, investigates how external evaluators can be used for evaluations in new product development processes. It is part of <link ifsto researchprogramopeninnovation>IfSTO Research Program on Open Innovation, which aims to enhance the understanding on how organizations may best manage the opportunities and challenges induced by open innovation with a specific focus on implications for strategy and organization design.

Along with the award Tom Grad was invited to present the project at the PDMA Research Forum in Atlanta in October. Furthermore, the project will presumably be presented at the Open and User Innovation Conference at Harvard Business School and the Doctoral Consortium at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Anaheim.