Guest Talk "Applying Weighted Transition Logic for adaptive workflow composition"


Miel Vander Sande 

Date/Time: 02.12.2019, 15:00 

Location: D2.2.094 


Workflow composition is a crucial part of day-to-day automation, where many different parameters and facts need to be taken into account. In order to reach a given goal, a planner calculates the sequence of actions that need to be taken in the current context. Semantic technologies such as RDF annotation and reasoning can help improve this process by enabling more generic implementations, connect to more knowledge, an introduce more flexibility. However, it is currently difficult to express change in first order logic, semantic reasoning, and the proofs they produce. What if a change in the context invalidates the current plan?

In this talk, I will introduce smart workflow composition method based on Weighted Transition Logic and implemented in Notation3 logic—a superset of RDF. Actions are described as changes to the RDF state, resulting in a more adaptive and change aware workflow composition process. After a basic introduction of the general concepts, I will discuss several applications in the healthcare, public services or transport domain.


Miel Vander Sande (@miel_vds) is a postdoctoral researcher in publishing and querying Linked Open Data of the IDLab at Ghent University - imec, Belgium. His main research topics are metadata and archiving for Linked Data interfaces, sustainable querying of federated sources, decentralised Web and intelligent Web clients. Miel was involved in many European and Flemish projects on eGovernment, Open Data, data integration and distributed data sharing.