Façade Broke Loose on Library & Learning Center


80kg section of the Library & Learning Center façade broke loose and fell on Friday evening, January 2. The cause of the incident is as yet undetermined. Only material damages were sustained.

80kg section of the Library & Learning Center façade broke loose and fell on Friday evening, January 2. The cause of the incident is as yet undetermined. Only material damages were sustained.

After a similar incident in July 2014, the façade panels under the cantilevered monitor on the LC building were all reinforced with additional edge supports, and all other panels were inspected for damage under the builders’ warranty. After completion of these inspections, external experts and the company that originally installed the panels confirmed that the façade was safe.

The recurrence of this problem is both extremely aggravating and potentially dangerous. Safety is WU’s top priority. As we are not willing to enter into any further risk, the area in front of the LC building has been blocked off. Until further notice, access to the library is possible only through the side entrance by the Library Café.

An independent appraisal of the damage to the right side of the building will be conducted and a report on the causes submitted. The company that originally installed the panels will also be re-inspecting the entire façade. Results of this inspection are expected to be available by the end of the week. Further steps to be taken will be decided after receipt of these results.


Mag. Cornelia Moll
Press Relations Officer
Tel: + 43-1-31336-4977

WU Press release Façade Broke Loose on Library & Learning Center as PDF