E&I meets B&C


We are proud to announce that the E&I Institute is part of an initiative by B&C Privatstiftung and Michael Tojner to further promote entrepreneurship and innovation in Austria.

Progress, innovation and research all go hand in hand. In order to ensure that Austria remains an attractive location for businesses and stays competitive on an international level, B&C Privatstiftung and DDr. Michael Tojner, Austrian entrepreneur, have announced to provide 11 million euros of funding to the Vienna University of Economics and Business over the next ten years. Both parties have been long-time supporters of the university and now decided to align and further extend their funding activities. The initiative is one of the largest private direct funding initiatives in the Austrian higher education sector, and enables the implementation of larger projects over a longer timeframe.

The research around the initiative will go into various directions, with the goal of a vivid and prospering Austrian economy at its heart. Research areas of focus will include the expansion and internationalization of Austrian enterprises, the importance of industrial tech, the relevance of firm headquarters for the economy as well as the impact of migration.

The WU Gründungszentrum will handle the coordination and administration of this initiative. We, the E&I Institute, are excited to be part of the project and contribute with our expertise in the area of entrepreneurship and innovation.