Call for Papers: International Workshop on Distributed Ledgers and Related Technologies


WU is hosting the 33rd DEXA Conferences and Workshop from August 22-24th. Papers for the Workshop on DLRT can be submitted until March 7th.

All accepted papers will be published by Springer in their Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS).

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from different domains to present their findings related to distributed ledgers and related technologies and to discuss open challenges and possible future directions. Since distributed ledgers have become relevant across disciplines, we envision this workshop as an interdisciplinary venue and invite researchers from areas such as (1) computer science, security, cryptography; (2) economy, business informatics; (3) logistics and manufacturing; (4) data science; (5) law to contribute to the workshop.
The workshop program will feature a mix of invited talks and a selection of submitted research contributions. Scientists and professionals from all disciplines and sectors are invited to share their knowledge and experience.