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Tourissimus Prize 2018


Every year the ÖGAF (Österreichische Gesellschaft für angewandte Tourismusforschung) awards the TOURISSIMUS Prize for the best bachelor and master thesis in the categories „Marketing & Destination Management”, „Sustainability“ and „Tourism Economy” as well as for the best educational institutions. This year Melanie HETZER (Supervisors: Martin Schreier / Silke Hieke) has been awarded the 1st price in the category „Marketing & Destination Management” and Claudia HASLAUER (Supervisor: Margit Kastner) with the 3rd price in the category „Sustainability”. Even though Nam Tuan TRUONG (Supervisors: Ulrike Kaiser & Tatiana Karpukhina) did not win in the category „Tourism Economy” he made a valuable contribution in obtaining the TOURISSIMUS Prize for one of the best educational institutions in Austria. We congratulate our students and their supervisors!

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