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StratCON Management Consulting - QPR Balanced ScoreCard and QPR ProcessGuide

Wintersemester 2003 / 2004 

Executive Summary 

The service concept of stratCON consists of an integrated consulting and solution-competence provided by one hand. QPR ScoreCard and QPR ProcessGuide are business software tools. They are embedded in the whole process of analyzing, reorganizing and developing a strategy. The software is freely configurable and can be individually adjusted to every company’s needs. From 2004 onwards stratCON wants to provide these services in the Croatian market.

Cooperation Partner

  • StratCON Management Consulting

    Mag. Wolfgang Bartholner
    DI Walter Abel


Student Team

  • Peter Brandhofer

    Patrick Lobis

    Lisa-Maria Mittmansgruber

    Stefanie Schneider