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Transferring credits from courses taken abroad

Students can transfer credits for courses taken abroad that are compatible in content, scope and the quality of work and workload required with courses taught at WU. Please take the following steps to request accreditation:

  1. Before going abroad

Please check the accreditation of courses taken abroad in advance. The accreditation of planned exams during the semester abroad is done electronically by the Study Regulations Office. Students should, therefore, fill out the online application for legally binding pre-recognition. For more information, consult the Study Regulations Office page under credit transfer.   

E-mail confirmations are no longer required, as they cannot be included in the online application for technical reasons. Please contact the staff at the Study Regulations Office if you have any questions about accreditation.

Please contact Diana Lauer, M.Sc. with any questions about transferring credits to the E&I specialization (E&I SBWL).

  2. After the return from your semester abroad

Contact the Study Regulations Office and follow the procedure for requesting credit transfer. Required forms and documents for accreditation are available here.

The following courses can be accredited, assuming the examination offered abroad is compatible with content and scope:

Courses in entrepreneurship and innovation with a focus on areas such as innovation management, organization and innovation, new product development, entrepreneurial marketing, financing innovation, venture capital, technology, and patent searches, etc. are generally suitable for meeting Course 3 (E&I Zone) requirements. The course description must clearly show a focus on entrepreneurship and/or innovation and a close link to relevant theories and methods.

All other course formats (Course 1, Course 2, Course 4 and Course 5) cannot be accredited and must be taken at the E&I Institute with no exceptions.