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fit4AAL Outcomes

Evaluation of usability and effectiveness of fitness technology for older people

Regular and sufficient movement is beneficial for the health of persons of all age groups. Within the project “fit4AAL”, a new fitness technology was developed together with elderly people from the regions Vienna and Salzburg and tested over various months.

This fitness technology ILSE, which is customised for older people, can be used on a tablet or a flat screen (TV or monitor) at home. The exercises are demonstrated in video clips with brief explanations and are meant to strengthen muscles, increase flexibility and improve sense of balance. The fitness technology also give participants access to personalised feedback and coaching for the correct execution of the movements within their own homes. In addition to that, a customized activity tracker is supposed to encourage outdoor activities (e.g. having a walk, riding a bike) and improve cardiovascular fitness.

The WU Research Institute for Economics of Aging was responsible for the study design and the evaluation concept, and coordinated the work package “evaluation” in the project “fit4AAL”.

  • Formative and summative evaluation of the usability of the developed fitness technology ILSE was carried out to obtain references for further development of the system.

  • User data provided details on the actual use of ILSE in the course of time (SRFG).

  • In addition to that, impact assessments informed whether the system as mentioned above were beneficial to mobility, functional fitness and quality of life of older people.

Project duration: 1 January 2018-31 December 2020

Funding: FFG benefit Programme, FSW (Fonds Soziales Wien) and WU

Team WU:

Dr Birgit Trukeschitz – project lead „fit4AAL-Outcomes“ contact

Siegfried Eisenberg,MSc

Lina Michel, MSc

Marlene Blüher, BA

Mag.a Juliane Nagiller, BA

Professor Ulrike Schneider

fit4AAL – project partners: Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft (SRFG) (coordination), Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS), bit media e-solutions GmbH, MyBodyCoach (MBC), Salzburg AG für Energie, Verkehr und Telekom, 50plus GmbH, SMART ASSETS Development GmbH, Care Consulting

Further Information to ILSE, the smart fitness technology for older people (German only):
