2015 Quiet Invaders
"Quiet Invaders”

A Workshop on Biographies of Austrian Immigrants
to the United States in the 20th Century
Vienna June 17 – 19, 2015
Library for Social Sciences
D4 Library
WU Vienna, Welthandelsplatz 1
1020 Vienna
Wednesday June 17, 2015
6.00 pm – 8.00 pm
Welcome Address
Peter Berger
Chair, Institute of Economic and Social History
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Günter Bischof
Director, Center Austria
University of New Orleans
Ambassador Wolfgang Waldner
Director General for Cultural Policy
Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs
Ambassador Christian Prosl
Österreichische Kulturvereinigung
Keynote Address
Norbert Bischofberger
Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer
Gilead Science, Foster City, California
From Vorarlberg to Silicone Valley: An Austrian Scientist’s Journey to the U.S.
8.00 pm
Dinner at „Comida y Luz“
EA Executive Academy 6th floor
WU Vienna
Thursday June 18, 2015
8.30 am - 10.30 am
The Longue Dureé of Austrian-Hungarian/Austrian Immigration to the United States
Annemarie Steidl
University of Vienna
The Transatlantic Experience: Migrants from Austria-Hungary in the USA, 1870-1930
Wladimir Fischer
The Slav Invasion Was an Austrian Invasion: A Study in Identity Politics and Marriage in the U.S. before World War II
Philipp Strobl
Economics University – Bratislava, University of Innsbruck
The Origins of “Little Burgenland” – A Close Look at Austria’s Most Important Area of Emigration during the Interwar Period
Session Chair
Günter Bischof
University of New Orleans
10.30 am - 11.00 am
Coffee Break
11.00 am - 12.30 pm
Forced Migration I – Economists & Engineers
Janek Wassermann
University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa
Beyond Hayek and Mises: Austrian Economists in American Society at Midcentury
Robert Lackner
Austrian Center for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies, Graz
“You did not have to feed me, nor to clothe, nor to educate me; I came complete”: Dietrich W. Botstiber’s Escape from the City of Music
Session Chair
Hansjoerg Klausinger
Vienna University of Economics and Business
12.30 pm – 13.30 pm
13.30 pm - 15.30 pm
Forced Migration II – Austrians in Hollywood
Katharina Prager
University of Vienna
"Magic Swamp" Hollywood – A Migration Career and No Comeback in Exile
Vera Kropf
Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
The Agent with the Typewriter: Ilse Lichtblau Lahn – An Atypical Career in Hollywood
Hartmut Krones
Vienna University of Music and the Performing Arts
Writing Hollywood’s Music: Hanns Eisler
Session Chair
Peter Berger
Vienna University of Economics and Business
15.30 pm - 16.00 pm
Coffee Break
16.00 pm - 18.00 pm
Forced Migration III: Writers and Intellectuals
Dominik Hoffman-Wellenhof
Ruth Klüger’s and Frederic Morton’s Assimiliation to America – A Success Story?
Kerstin Putz
University of Vienna, Austrian Literature Archives - Vienna
Improvised Lives: Günther Anders’ American Exile
Stefan Maurer
University of Vienna, University of New Orleans
“Living with Austrian Literature”: The Austrian Literary Association and the Émigré Germanists in the US
Session Chair
Günther Stocker
University of Vienna
19.30 pm
Dinner at “Heurigen Kierlinger”
Kahlenberger Straße 20
1190 Vienna
Friday June 19, 2015
9.00 am – 10.30 am
Exiles in Paradise? Social Workers and Anthropologists
Barbara Louis
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities and Vienna
Austrian Women Exiles in American Social Work: Struggles, Strategies, Successes
Brooke Penaloza Patzak
University of Vienna
Quiet Invader? Anthropologist Leo Frachtenberg and the Politics of Biting Your Tongue in Inter-War America
Session Chair
Siegfried Beer
University of Graz
10.30 am - 11.00 am
Coffee Break
11:00 am– 12:30 pm
Before and After the War: Catholic Migrants
Alexander Pinwinkler
University of Salzburg
An Austrian Catholic Mission in America? P. Thomas Michels OSB (1892-1979) and the Legitimist Movement in the United States
Martina Kaller
University of Vienna
Ivan Illich (1926-2002): A Neo-American Questioning the American Way of Life
Session Chair
Friedrich Stadler
University of Vienna
12.30 pm – 13.30 pm
13.30 pm - 15.30 pm
Postwar: Looking for a Better Life in the New World
Eva Maltschnig
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Post-World War II Austrian GI Brides in the U.S
Berthold Molden
University of Vienna
The Cosmopolitan Mexicanist: The Intellectual Biography of Friedrich Katz
Andrea Strutz
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for History of Society and Culture, University of Graz
Moving Knowledge: Contributions of Austrian Immigrants to Canadian Contemporary Art and Technology
Session Chair
Oliver Rathkolb
University of Vienna
15.30 pm – 16.00 pm
Coffee Break
16.00 pm – 17.00 pm
Concluding Keynote
Volker Depkat
American Studies, University of Regensburg
The Challenges of Writing Immigrant Biographies
Organized by:
Institute for Economic and Social History and Österreichische Gesellschaft für Unternehmensgeschichte, The Vienna University of Economics and Business
Supported by:
Center Austria: The Austria Marshall Plan Center for European Studies, University of New Orleans
The Botstiber Foundation
The Vienna University of Economics and Business
Österrreichische Kulturvereinigung
The Federal Ministry of Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs