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Research Institute Economics of InequalityRSS

Mission Statement

Since 2015 we address key questions of social, economic and ecological inequalities and the resulting issues for the society, politics, the environment and every single human being. Due to the increase of inequalities in the course of time it is from our perspective of utmost importance to look into these topics from various angles.

The research institute "Economics of Inequality" serves as a platform for interdisciplinary research on these inequalities and for discussions with students, other researchers and the public. In the course of our research we question reasons for the existance of inequalities as well as their effects. To offer profound results of our research, it is a major concern for us to develop concrete approaches for measuring inequalities. Furthermore, our research results should not only point out already existing inequalities, but rather provide a scientific foundation for the development of measures and actions to reduce present social and economic inequalities.

The annual report 2022/23 is ready!

Summary picture annual report 2022/23

Annual report 2022/2023

For now, our annual reports are available in German only. We are sorry for any inconveniences.

News from INEQ's research

Latest research project

Inheritances in Vienna: Insights from Probate Records

by Lorenz Bodner, Franziska Disslbacher and Severin Rapp

Project description
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Latest INEQ Working Paper

Disslbacher, Franziska & Rapp, Severin (2024):

#31: Understanding the Distribution of Wealth at Death: A Probate Based Approach

Go to Working Paper #31
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Latest INEQ Research Note

L. Lehner, E. List:

2024|02: Unions and Firms 2

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INEQ in the media

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"Da Vermögensbildung zentral über Erbschaften und Schenkungen erfolgt, werden diese Vermögensungleichheiten ständig perpetuiert. Vermögen ermöglicht jedoch nicht nur einen besseren Zugang zu Bildung und Gesundheit, sondern bewirkt über familiäre Netzwerke auch Zugang zu weiteren wichtigen Schaltstellen der individuellen Karriere. [...] Die Chancenungleichheit in unserer Gesellschaft wird de facto durch den 'Zufall der Geburt' bestimmt."

Wilfried Altzinger on the idea of a "basic inheritance" for 18-year-olds in Austria (Der Standard, 06.04.2023)

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Working Paper Series #31

Understanding the Distribution of Wealth at Death: A Probate Based Approach (Franziska Disslbacher, Severin Rapp)

Quirin Dammerer Portrait

Welcome at INEQ, Quirin Dammerer!

We are happy to announce that we welcome a new research associate at INEQ from July 15th on!

Poster "The Art of Teaching 2024"

The Art of Teaching 2024

On June 20, our colleagues Lukas Lehner and Severin Rapp had the opportunity to present their teaching project, conducted as part of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, at the event "The Art of…

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INEQ Working Paper Series

Project Briefs


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