
Academic teaching has been a very important field of activity for INEQ's researchers since our establishment but also already in the years before. We are also delighted that three of INEQ's lecturers were awarded teaching awards of WU. Johanna Hofbauer recieved the Excellent Teaching Award in 2018, Alyssa Schneebaum in 2021 and Stefan Humer was awarded the Innovative Teaching Award (see further below) in 2019.
Here you can find all the courses held by INEQ's lecturers in the ongoing semester.
Find below a list of all courses offered by INEQ.
Bachelor courses
Master courses
Doctoral courses

INEQ supervised in 2020 and 2021 more than 130 bachelor's and master's theses. The treated subjets are not only quantitatively comprehensive but also vary in content: The theses cover questions of glaobal distribution of income as well as effects of digitalisation, determine the background of data, evaluate policial reforms, develop statistical methods and sometimes even offer new insights into questions that we have not yet asked ourselves.
To that end the Research Institute Economics of Inequality regurarly tenders topics for bachelor's or master's theses, but you can also reach out to us with your own research proposals. Current calls can be found here.
At the moment there are no open calls.
Income inequality in Europe: An award-winning teaching project

Award for Innovative Teaching 2019 for Stefan Humer and Matthias Schnetzer
The course "Economics of Distribution" is part of the specialisation block of the Master programme "Economics" at WU Vienna. In the academic year 2018/19 students of this couse created under the supervision of Stefan Humer and Matthias Schnetzer content on income distribution with such quality that it allowed publication for the interested reading public. For that they chose two different formats:
Wikipedia article on the development of income distribution in all EU countries as well as a survey article on income distribution in the European Union in general
An interactive visualisation of various indicators of income inequality on a country level in a R Shiny application
Find the teaching concept here
List of links to the Wikipedia articles and the visualisation:
Wikipedia: Income distribution in... (the articles are only available in German)
European Union | Belgium | Denmark |
Germany | France | Ireland |
Italy | Croatia | Netherlands |
Austria | Poland | Portugal |
Sweden | Switzerland | Spain |
Hungary | United Kingdom |
Thank you
Wikipedia administrator Thomas Planinger visited us for a discussion on the most important rules and the Do's and Don’ts of Wikipedia. Moreover he was always available for the students to get feedback on their article drafts and accompanied the publication of the final versions.
The participants of the course 2063 in the winter term 2018/19:
Al-Shakaki Anas, Azad Razik, Braid Alois, Branco Richard, Chmielowski Andreas, Demirol Daran, Engelen Casper, Gust Sarah Estelle, Hagen Matthias, Kamschal David, Kovacevic Boris, Kungl Lino Konstantin, Kuschnig Nikolas, Lackner Simon, Lasser Robert, Mathe Julia, Matzner Anna, Nenning Margerita Anna, Pardy Martina Lisa, Primetshofer Peter, Reiter Lorenz, Rosenlechner Daniel, Setz Ingrid, Situm Daniel, Stacherl Barbara, Walter Benjamin, Warum Philipp, Weiß Hubert, Zadeyan Peter Zissler Isabella, Zöldi Laszlo Zoltan und Zommer Patrick.
The participants of the course 5076 in the summer term 2019:
Bachleitner Isabella, Baierlacher Felix Manuel, Bannholzer Magdalena, Berger Tobias, Buttler Valerie, Chizzini Rosa Alma, Ernst Clara, Gehart Christian, Hanzl Jakob, Hartmann Philip Jürgen, Heinzle Matthias, Kercz Henrik, Kisla Konstantin, Kodajova Maria, Lorenz Theresa, Onoprienko Jaroslav, Pourkhataei Monsef Roschan, Reis Sebastian, Rinner Melanie, Rinser Florian David, Strohmaier Maximilian Rudolf, Tazl Philip, Thummet Frank, Wimmer Lorenz und Wippel Matthias.