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Topic of the Conference 2025: Navigating Gender and Power

Embodiment: Exploring the Multidimensionality of the Body in Societies and Organizations

[Translate to English:] Prater Vienna

7 – 8 March 2024

We are excited to announce the 2024 WU Gender and Diversity Conference on the topic “Embodiment: Exploring the Multidimensionality of the Body in Societies and Organizations," a groundbreaking event that aims to foster interdisciplinary discussions and showcase cutting-edge research and practical experience on the intricate interplay between the body and diverse facets of human experience. The conference will be a platform for scholars, researchers, practitioners, and activists to delve into the multifaceted nature of the body, examining its role in various organizational contexts and situations, such as professional opportunities, work-related injuries or accidents, pregnancy, and childbirth, ageing at work, the intersections of gender with ability, aesthetic capital, physical and mental health, among others.

Conference detailed focus areas: The body is more than just a physical entity; it encompasses a realm of experiences, emotions, and challenges. We invite contributions that explore the intricate connections between the body and different dimensions of life, shedding light on how these interactions shape personal identities, social and organizational dynamics, and cultural narratives. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Gendered Embodiments

  • Intersectionality of gender and (dis)ability, ethnicity, migration status, religion, class and other identities or diversity dimensions

  • Body modification and expressions of gender identity. Challenges and opportunities

Ability and the Body

  • Disability and bodily agency in organizations and societies

  • Body empowerment through adaptive technologies

  • Examining the human-animal interactions at work

Aesthetic Capital and Embodiment

  • Beauty standards, body image, and self-esteem

  • Examining employment-related biases and experiences based on employees’ physical appearance.

  • Perks and penalties of aesthetic capital

Bodily Health and Well-being

  • Embodied experiences of illness and recovery. Returning to the world of work

  • Experiences with work-related injuries an accidents

  • Mental health and the mind-body connection. Societal and organizational implications

Embodied Transitions

  • Pregnancy and post-childbirth experiences. Returning to the world of work

  • Ageing and gender

Bodies in Conflict

  • Bodies as sites of misconduct and harassment

  • Narratives of workplace or sexual harassment survival and resilience

  • Examining organization’s responses to discrimination and harassment-related lawsuits

Religion and Gendered Regulation of Body

  • Religion and construction of bodily identity

  • Body politics and identity

Art and Body in Society

  • Body as canvas: Exploring body art and modification.

  • Art and activism

  • Body image and representation in media

Organizationally embedded Bodily work

  • Professional identity and embodiment in Organizations

  • Gender, embodiment, and Identity work

Hidden bodies in the workplace 

  • Physical and occupational segregation of bodies in the workplace

Submission Guidelines: We invite researchers, practitioners, activists, and scholars from all disciplines to submit abstracts and proposals related to the conference theme. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words. We also welcome workshop proposals that do not exceed a page. Abstracts and workshop outlines should be sent to the following address until 30 November 2023:

Short papers presented at the conference can be submitted to, and published in our annual Working Paper Series, subject to acceptance by the respective editors.

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 November 2023

  • Notification of Acceptance: 20 December 2023

  • Conference Dates: 7 – 8 March, 2024

Important information:

Venue and dates:

WU, Vienna University of Economics and Business,
Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, and online.
Thursday March 7, 2024: 9:00-17:00.
Friday March 8, 2024: 9:00-17:00.
Price:  free!

We look forward to your participation in this transformative dialogue.

Updated Conference Program & Preliminary Overview of Presenters and Abstracts
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