Moot Court
There has been a Moot Court since 2004/05 in the area of International tax law due to an initiative which involved our Institute from the beginning. Selected students have the opportunity to take part in this international competition and prepare in a group effort memoranda and oral pleadings for (fictitious) hearings at a tax court. Since 2005 the European Tax College of Leuven University (Belgium) and the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) have been hosting a unique international Moot Court Competition in International Tax Law. In the years of 2006, 2007 and 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2022, 2023 and 2024 our Team was successful and won the competition.
In the Mood to Moot?
MOOT COURT 2023-24WU Team wins "International and European Tax Moot Court" 2023/24
WU Team wins "International and European Tax Moot Court" 2023/24

After already having won the competition in 2022 and 2023, the team from WU's Institute for Austrian International Tax Law delivered another great performance in 2024 and has again won first place at the International and European Tax Moot Court. The renowned competition, which took place between March 24 – 29 in Leuven (Belgium), is organized by KU Leuven in cooperation with IBFD and took place for the 20th time.
All participating teams had to work on a fictitious case on a problem of international tax law. This year’s case concerned the taxation of a cross-border influencer and a corporation operating a video portal. At first, the students had to submit two memoranda – one from the perspective of the tax authority and one from the perspective of the taxpayer. After completing the written phase, 18 teams – including that of WU – qualified for the oral final round in Leuven.
At the final round (oral pleadings), the Institute’s team gave an outstanding performance. On the way to the winning title, the team prevailed against the HEC Paris, the National University of Kiew-Mohyla Academy, the Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Tributário and the University of Luxembourg, finally delivering a great performance against the University of Maastricht in the final. In addition, the team was also awarded with a special prize: The award for the best memorandum on behalf of the defendant went to Julian Rabensteiner and Annina Schwärzli.
The Institute sincerely congratulates all the students (Julian Rabensteiner, Annina Schwärzli, Marius Pollitzer and Elisabeth Schlagenhaufen) and the coach Michael Gleiss!
WU Team wins “International and European Tax Moot Court” 2022/23
WU Team wins “International and European Tax Moot Court” 2022/23

In 2023, the team from WU's Institute for Austrian International Tax Law once again delivered an outstanding performance at the International and European Tax Moot Court and won the competition. The renowned Moot Court, which took place from March 26 to March 31, 2023, in Leuven (Belgium), is organized by KU Leuven in cooperation with IBFD and took place for the 19th time this year.
All participating teams had to work on a fictitious case on a problem of international tax law. At first, the students had to submit two memoranda – one from the perspective of the tax authority and one from the perspective of the taxpayer. After completing the written phase, 14 teams – including WU – qualified for the oral final round in Leuven.
At the final round (oral pleadings), the institute’s delivered an outstanding performance. After the team had competed against the universities of Bergamo (Italy) and Leuven in the preliminary round, the students pleaded against the teams of the universities of Maastricht (Netherlands) and Heidelberg (Germany) in the semi-finals.
Lastly, in a thrilling final, the students managed to win against the team from the University of Virginia (USA). In addition, the team was also awarded with several special prizes: Best Pleading Team (overall), Best Pleading Team Applicant, Best Memorandum of the Defendant and Best Individual Applicant (Mohamed Hemdan).
The institute sincerely congratulates the students (Manuel Dachs, Dominik Dorner, Mohamed Hemdan and Victoria Schwab) and the coach Michael Gleiss!
WU Team wins International and European Tax Moot Court 2021/22

Laura Marie Liebel, Sophie Schönhart, Laura Vonier, Michaela Morgenbesser und Coach Theres Neumüller
In 2022, the team of the Institute for Austrian International Tax Law at WU once again delivered an outstanding performance at the International and European Tax Moot Court, which was organized by KU Leuven (Belgium) in cooperation with IBFD between March 27 and April 1, 2022. The Moot Court was held for the 19th time already, and once again, 32 teams from countries all over the world were able to prove their knowledge and skills in the field of international tax law.
In the course of the competition, all participating teams had to work on and negotiate a fictitious case concerning an international taxation issue. After the submission of written memoranda, 14 teams - including WU - qualified for the oral negotiation rounds in Leuven. In the oral rounds, again our team did an excellent job: In the semifinals, WU beat the University of Bergamo (Italy) as well as Thammasat University (Thailand), and won the competition as the world's best team in the final against Virginia Law School (USA).
Congratulations to the team (Laura Marie Liebel, Michaela Morgenbesser, Sophie Schönhart, Laura Vonier) and coach Theres Neumüller!
WU-Wien reached the second place at the"International and European Tax Moot Court" 2019

Coach Annika Streicher, Sabrina Polanyi, Hanna Poss, Franziska Luisa Uedl, René Dzoja
Our institute’s team delivered a brilliant performance at the International and European Tax Moot Court, which took place between March 18th and 22nd 2019 at KU Leuven (Belgium). Not only has our team reached the second rank in the final against University of Virginia, but it was also awarded prizes for best defendant pleading, best defendant memo, best defendant speaker (Ms Hanna Poss) and best pleading-team overall. So our institute’s team was the best European team in the whole competition!
Our team pleaded against the teams of IBDT Brazil, Carlos III Madrid (Spain), University of Düsseldorf (Germany) and University of Heidelberg (Germany) in the preliminary round and semifinal. All in all, 16 teams from Europe, the US and South America participated in the Moot Court.
Our congratulations to the team (René Dzoja, Sabrina Polanyi, Hanna Poss, Franziska Luisa Uedl) and to coach Annika Streicher!
WU-Wien reaches semi-final at the "International and European Tax Moot Court 2018"

Daniel Gilhofer, Angelo Concin, Mario Riedl, Theres Neumüller, Betreuer David Orzechowski
At this year’s International and European Tax Moot Court in Leuven (Belgium) the WU team (LR: Daniel Gilhofer, Angelo Concin, Mario Riedl, Theres Neumüller with coach David Orzechowski) from the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law reached the semifinals as one of the 16 best teams and has been awarded the price for the best applicant memo. The competition included participating teams from Asia, Europe, South America and the US.
WU wins at the "European Tax College Moot Court Competition 2017"

Sofia Rampitsch, Annika Streicher, Stefanie Schinnerl, Laura Turcan, Lukas Krenn
The Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law’s team manages to do the hat-trick at the International and European Tax Moot Court in Leuven (Belgium). The WU’s team won against 15 universities from all over Europe, the US and Africa for the third year in a row. In the final round, the team competed against KU Leuven in a case in front of high-ranking judges from the UK, France and the Netherlands.
Our congratulations go to the whole team and coach Laura Turcan!
WU wins at the "European Tax College Moot Court Competition 2016"

Michael Brightwell, Katja Haberl, Coach Laura Turcan, Julia Karglmayer, Stefan Frank
The team of the Institute for Austrian and International Taxlaw (Laura Turcan, Katja Haberl, Julia Karglmayer, Michael Brightwell, Stefan Frank) has won the "European Tax College Moot Court Competition 2016" in Leuven, Belgium. Congratulations!
WU wins at the "European Tax College Moot Court Competition 2015"
The team of the Institute for Austrian and International Taxlaw (Daniel Bader, Erich Schaffer, Stefan Dankovksy, Markus Bruck, Zsofia Földi) has won the "European Tax College Moot Court Competition 2015" in Leuven, Belgium.

v. l: Daniel Bader, Betreuer Erich Schaffer, Stefan Dankovksy, Markus Bruck, Zsofia Földi
Moot Court on European and International Tax Law 2011
In 2011, we again took part in the Moot Court Competition on European and International Tax Law, which is jointly organized by the Universities of Leuven and Tilburg. The competition was held from February 27 to March 5, 2011 in Leuven. A moot court is a fictitious court before which teams of students play the roles of applicant and defendant and argue their case. As in the EUCOTAX program, the participants enjoyed language training by Margaret Nettinga and attended a special seminar as part of their preparation. Moreover, the students who participated in this program may write their master's and bachelor's theses based on the topics of the moot court. The 2011/2012 student team was selected in June 2011. Our team prepared under the supervision of Prof. Claus Staringer and Sebastian Pfeiffer.
WU wins at the "European Tax College Moot Court Competition 2010"
The team of the Institute for Austrian and International Taxlaw (Peter Csoklich, Marlene Dröscher, Armin Ahari, Thomas Plank, Katharina Kubik) has won the "European Tax College Moot Court Competition 2010" in Leuven, Belgium.

L - R: Katharina Kubik, Armin Ahari, Thomas Plank, Marlene Dröscher, Peter Csoklich, Prof. Dr. Frans Vanistendael
In the media
Die Presse, 20.März 2016 - "Steuern: WU stellte weltbestes Team"
Great success of our Team winning at the "European Tax College Moot Court Competiton 2016" in Leuven, Belgium
Die Presse, 15. März 2010, Rechtspanorama - "Steuererfolg für WU Wien"
Great success of our Team winning at the "European Tax College Moot Court Competiton 2010" in Leuven, Belgium
Die Presse, 18.03.2008 - "2.Platz in Steuerbewerb"
Die Presse, 20.03.2006 - "Sieg für Wiener Studenten"
For more information please visit Moot Courts.