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Our team

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Project Co-Director

Project Senior Expert

Project Researcher

Portrait of Clement Migai

Clement Migai

Project Researcher

Portrait of Marta Olowska

Marta Olowska

Project Assistant

Tibor Kallay

Tibor Kallay


Project Co-Director

Portrait of Riël Franzsen

Riël Franzsen

Prof. Riël Franzsen occupies the South African Research Chair in Tax Policy and Governance in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences at the University of Pretoria. He is also the director of the African Tax Institute at the University of Pretoria. He holds a doctorate in law with a thesis on South Africa’s real estate transfer tax (obtained at Stellenbosch University, South Africa) as well as a master’s degree in creative writing.

He has acted as policy advisor in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Caribbean on behalf of various entities, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank, on especially property taxes and local government finances. He has been a co-instructor for property taxation courses offered on behalf of the IMF (in Austria and Singapore) and on behalf of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (in China and Slovenia). He is a member of the Board of Advisors of the International Property Tax Institute (IPTI) and has authored or co-authored numerous conference papers, journal articles and book chapters on especially land and property taxes.