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Master’s Theses

Master’s theses are supervised at the institute, subject to available capacity.

Business Law

In the winter semester 2024, Dr Birgit Hollaus will not be taking on any new master’s theses supervisions for students of Business Law. The next opportunity to apply for supervision will be in the summer semester 2025, subject to availability, and will be communicated here. Applications can then be submitted for one of the defined topics.

Prospective applications find information on the application and supervision process below.

Application process

1. If you are interested in one of the topics available for selection, please enquire in advance whether the desired topic is still available. To do so, please send an e-mail to Dr. Birgit Hollaus (

2. If the topic is still available, the next step is to prepare a short exposé on the chosen topic (approx. 5-8 pages). This exposé should contain:

  • A brief description of the topic (starting point and topic outline);

  • a concise description of your research interest and, derived from this, the possible research question;

  • a clear description of the consecutive steps of the research project; and

  • a preliminary list of case law and literature.

As you prepare your exposé, please pay attention to the formal requirements listed below and the general standards of ethical scientific practice.

3. Send the exposé together with a complete transcript of records (BaWiRe and MaWiRe, both with negative grades) to Dr. Birgit Hollaus ( If no exposé is received within four weeks after the initial contact, the topic will be made available for applicants again.

Applicants will receive written feedback in a timely manner as to whether their application was successful and whether supervision of the thesis can be considered on the basis of the submitted exposé. A positive response does not yet constitute a formal confirmation of supervision. If the application is not successful, the topic will be made available for applicants again.

Confirmation of supervision and supervision process

1. If the application is successful, an initial meeting will be arranged to discuss the exposé and to clarify the further details. The formal confirmation of supervision will only be issued once the exposé has been finally accepted by your supervisor. The confirmation of supervision is valid for six months.

2. Further meetings as part of the supervision process will be arranged as required.

Formal requirements for exposé and thesis
  • Font: Calibri, Verdana or Times New Roman.

  • Font size (body text): 12 pt, with 6 pt spacing after and 1.5 line spacing.

  • Font size (footnotes): 10 pt, with 6 pt spacing after and 1.5 line spacing.

  • Text alignment: justified.

  • Footer: page number (on each page).

  • Margins: 2.5 cm left and right.

  • Max. 4 heading levels (format: I., A., 1., a.).

  • Uniform and correct citation. Recommended is Keiler/Bezemek, leg cit. Leitfaden für juristisches Zitieren4 (2020), or OSCOLA.

The length of the master’s thesis depends on the topic. A guideline for the text part, i.e. the thesis without cover page and indexes, is 20,000 to 30,0000 words (incl. footnotes).


For students of the Master Program Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy (SEEP) information on supervision and potential topics for master’s theses will be provided in class and at the thesis fair.